Influencing...easy levels?

by Fayneix

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Fayneix2012-04-04 16:30:20
You confide in a Red Hand of the Illuminati how much you admire his dazzling
mental and physical skills.
A Red Hand of the Illuminati puffs up his chest and a crazy gleam enters his
eyes as he vigorously agrees with you that his intelligence and strength far
surpass anyone else's.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 68.

So....I've had this influencer for a little while, and I'm getting closer and closer to Tremula's level. Is it normal for influencers to level this much faster than hunters? Is it because you don't die as much?
Lendren2012-04-04 16:32:19
It depends heavily on availability and on racial and class abilities, and trails off sharply as you get to high levels.
Unknown2012-04-04 16:34:44
Influencing past 80 or so becomes much slower, as there aren't really big collections of high end influencing mobs.
Ssaliss2012-04-04 16:34:54
The one big difference between bashing and influencing is that influencing doesn't get critical hits. In the early levels, it's probably better to influence, but once you start getting a healthy dose of criticals, it's better to bash.
Fayneix2012-04-04 17:04:31
| Thallia of the Rowan -------------------------------------------------------|
| Strength : 9 Dexterity : 16 Constitution : 10 |
| Intelligence : 16 Size : 5 Charisma : 19 Timeout : 30 min |

+ Thallia of the Rowan ---------------------------------------------------+
| Sex : Female Birthday : 22nd Shanthin 296 |
| Race : Shadowcaster Faeling Age : 25 |
| Mentor : Sidd Mentorship: Not able to mentor |
+----------------------------------------------------------------- Vitals +
| Health : 2798/2798 Endurance : 11960/11960 Power : 10p |
| Mana : 3822/3972 Willpower : 17638/18080 Reserves : 22% |
| Ego : 3689/4584 Mindset : Pedantic Esteem : 291 |
+------------------------------------------------------------------ Karma +
| Karma : 18% |
| The karmic blessing of harmony : 3 hours 24 minutes |
| The karmic blessing of beauty : 24 hours 1 minutes |
+--------------------------------------------------------------- Rankings +
| Experience : #713 Invincible Level : 68 ( 7.96%) |
| Explorer : #2640 an Itinerant Traveler |
+---------------------------------------------------------- Organisations +

Lendren2012-04-04 17:09:51
You're comparing a shadowcaster faeling influencing, against a dracnari bashing? I think that might shed some more light on the difference.
Israafiyl2012-05-25 03:56:13
I have found influencing a nice way to level and quick too, myself but I am a faeling and have 19 charisma
Unknown2012-05-25 05:07:13
I influenced to level 95 or so as faeling, then started alternately bashing/influencing up to Demigod (the first time).
Unknown2012-05-29 01:49:30
I still prefer influencing over bashing. Can be fine at higher levels provided you select the right things and get associated blessings/buffs, etc.
Unknown2012-05-29 01:55:29
Influencing has changed since the last time I played, specifically with how esteem works.

Blank figurines are so expensive. I don't understand why anyone would pay so much for one of those instead of just bashing, making more gold, and probably getting more karma from offering or turning corpses in.
Unknown2012-05-29 03:51:51
Blank figurines only cost 2k gold, and if you're mainly an influencer, you only need one every 75 days (standard time of figurine decay), if you don't have a shop.
Unknown2012-05-29 04:26:01

Blank figurines only cost 2k gold, and if you're mainly an influencer, you only need one every 75 days (standard time of figurine decay), if you don't have a shop.

The whole point of a blank is to offer it, right? So as soon as you do that you have to buy another one, unless there's something I don't understand about this system, which is entirely possible.
Saran2012-05-29 04:43:23

The whole point of a blank is to offer it, right? So as soon as you do that you have to buy another one, unless there's something I don't understand about this system, which is entirely possible.

Yes, but you get one and then fill it up over the decay time then offer it right at the end. You may offer less daily, instead you are doing large offerings weekly/fortnightly/monthly. While at the same time holding a very handy sanctification/desecration tool.
Raeri2012-05-29 11:52:28

Blank figurines only cost 2k gold, and if you're mainly an influencer, you only need one every 75 days (standard time of figurine decay), if you don't have a shop.

Fun fact - you can sculpt the figurine at the end of the 75 days to reset the decay time, and then enchant it once more when it's about to decay to set it to 75 again.
Unknown2012-05-29 12:56:43

Yes, but you get one and then fill it up over the decay time then offer it right at the end. You may offer less daily, instead you are doing large offerings weekly/fortnightly/monthly. While at the same time holding a very handy sanctification/desecration tool.

But unless that single offering gives an absolutely massive amount of karma and essence I don't see how it would come even close to outweighing the benefits of bashing over influencing, in terms of gold, xp, and karma.
Unknown2012-05-29 13:21:52
Imbuing = karma
Experience = depends on what you're influencing
Gold = sell esteem

Influencing has improved due to 1) the changes in the esteem system (figurines), 2) more influencing grounds, and 3) more things that buff up influencing.
Unknown2012-05-29 15:28:08

Imbuing = karma
Experience = depends on what you're influencing
Gold = sell esteem

Influencing has improved due to 1) the changes in the esteem system (figurines), 2) more influencing grounds, and 3) more things that buff up influencing.

How long does it take to fill up a figurine, and how much do they sell for?
Unknown2012-05-29 17:19:57

How long does it take to fill up a figurine, and how much do they sell for?

Forever and they don't.
Figurines can hold a truly enormous amount of esteem, and people tend to not buy much of it. If they do, they tend to not buy the whole figurine. You can sell esteem out of a figurine with a pedestal.
Unknown2012-05-29 18:59:54

How long does it take to fill up a figurine, and how much do they sell for?

You have to stop thinking with the old system (fill up needle;sell needle).

1) Buy figurine.
2) Imbue figurine with lots of esteem.
3) Sell esteem per unit (currently, the average price of esteem is 10-12 gold per unit).
4) Transfer esteem to buyer's figurine (be aware of the 5% loss).
5) Profit.
Unknown2012-05-29 19:21:25
How consistently can you sell esteem? With the price of figurines it seems like the number of people who would want to buy one for some quick karma or to sanctify is probably low. There isn't a way to offer the esteem in the figurine without losing the figurine, is there?