a gnafia homeland / ship

by Sakr

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Sakr2012-01-15 02:39:20
So I was thinking about the gnafia, and how it would be really cool if there was a mothership / homeland kind of thing for them. The idea is that in aetherspace, you will find a aetherbubble that is under control of the gnafia, and there is an epic quest for them that gives the commune or city that completes it commodities for a year from the "saved residents".

So the aetherbubble would be a spherical aetherbubble, with the surface being inhabited by people enslaved by the gnafia. There are tunnels, sinkholes located all around the area that lead underneath the surface. Turns out that the entire aetherbubble is gnome-made. The enslaved residents were brought in to till the land from prime by the gnafia, with the false promise of return if they construct a said number of ships.

Underneath the surface there would be 3 or 4 levels of the facilities. The closer you get to the core, the more aggressive the gnafia's defenses would be. At the center there would be the controls for the aetherbubble, and if the right instructions can be found throughout the aetherbubble, the controls could be made to link itself to a city or commune.

In continuing the pipe dream, when the gnafia control the bubble there would be gnafia aetherships that surround the sphere, attacking enemy ships. Or an orbital gun. The zone for the residents themselves would contain a marketplace, as well as a residential area, and farmlands and mines around it. The weather itself would be controlled, so when enemy units are on the surface, freak weather would occur, or depending on how many people there are inside the ship/bubble the floors would grow hotter or colder.

On each floor of the facility, in each area you can learn more of the gnafia's history. And if they were to have a redeeming feature, the gnafia would have a special library that contains rare texts not found in the basin. And the gnafia itself would be split, due to "court intrigue". To get closer to the next level, you might want to talk to one gnafia member who wants another person to have an "accidental death" so that they can take their position as overseer of that level. In doing so, you would have access to the next level, who would have another task for you.