Accepting small scripting commissions

by Unknown

Back to Last Chance Trading Post.

Unknown2011-12-07 15:02:54
So. Christmas is very nearly upon us. Costs go through the roof.

I generally offer most of my code for free, though with certain circumstances lately causing a severe lack of income (Read: Credits) I am offering my services to any interested parties.

The deal is this. Want something coded? Ask away. NOTE: I am totally not about to start coding full healing/combat systems.

I refer to small scripts that simply make life easier in game.

Prices are all negotiable, although I anticipate costs to range from 5 credits for a quick 10 minutes of my time, up to 30 credits for something either more complex or time-consuming.

My experience with Lua spans over the last 3/4 years. (Programming in general for over 20.)

I have a full system ready for release over on the Aetolia forums if you care to check my credentials, although I suspect what code I have offered on our own should suffice.

Feel free to ask any questions you might desire. Should you wish to pay for my time, however, could you contact me either by PM here or by message in game.

Many thanks.

Lorina2011-12-08 07:43:38
Has anyone attempted to make a mudlet script for the new liquid rift?
Btw, Liquid Rift is awesome, everyone should use it.
Unknown2011-12-08 07:57:27
Not yet, personally. I use it very little at this stage. I had -literally- just made new vials before it came out.

Gimme some ideas on what to have it do, and well....
Lorina2011-12-08 08:04:09
Wut, you need to get it! Anyways, I have no idea. I just know that my previous potionlist script that reminded me if something was low. Well no I take that back. I have 2k sips of everything so I wouldn't run out. Hmmmm.
Unknown2011-12-08 08:37:49
Oh, I have it. Trans planar, naturally. I just am yet to use it. *shrug*

(Read: I'm lazy.)
Rivius2011-12-08 09:10:49
Naturally, if you link your vials, it's as simple as tracking potionlist. The only hitch is decreasing the sips of artifact vials, which only subtract 1 every other sip. But it's fairly trivial otherwise.
Unknown2011-12-08 17:05:38
If you're like me, and you had a nice script to refill your vials from a shop, you'd have to re-work that to fill your liquid rift instead.

I'm also trying to come up with a better way to handle extracting and restocking poisons.
Unknown2011-12-10 10:13:48
Before I get any more requests of this nature, I must add that for any work undertaken that requires any sort of GUI, whether it be a basic status display or full Geyser utilisation, will incur a 15cr surcharge.

Obviously, at this price, you will get a very nice looking GUI element.

Also, should you require a second language for your commission, i.e. CSS, this will incur a 5cr surcharge.

Thanks to everybody who has requested work thus far.


Unknown2012-07-12 10:13:54

Need credits for my alt.

Accepting any and all commissions at this stage, regardless of size.

Note: While I would be more than happy to code a full combat system, this will -not- come cheaply, so bear that in mind.
Unknown2012-07-25 08:34:02
I have a couple of packages ready for release that I wish to make public knowledge.

First is a queue system:

Basically, it works like this:


"action" can be anything, balance has to be either "eq", "bal" or "both" - You can omit the second argument, in which case,
the command will hold the "both" flag.

Pertinent functions:
doAdd(), queueAct(), queueRemove(), doFirst(), showQueue() and getQueueOrder()

The script has the ability to hold any number of commands. Full order tracking is included and preserved. Order manipulation, too. Should you seek to action an existing command, you have the option via the API to either remove the existing entry, or leave it in place to be actioned later.

A fancy CSS label comes provided, keeping track of your queue in real time.

The price for this script is 30cr. Full setup, sample triggers and help file included.

Secondly, there is a character tracker. It's probably best if I just show what this does, rather than type a long winded paragraph.


: Info: Draylor has been added to the tracking database as an enemy.


+----- ----------------------------------------- ( 07:35am - 25/07/2012 ) -----+


+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----+


+----- --------------------------------- ( 07:35am - 25/07/2012 ) -----+

actioned: 07:35am - 25/07/2012
comments: Make him die!
org: Celest
lastSeen: 07:35am - 25/07/2012
enemyReason: He's an OP bard!
isEnemy: yes
guild: Cantors

Delete this record

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----+

All fields are editable, utilising echoLink() - Basically, click the field and the relevant config string will be
appended to the command line.

Again, the price for this script is 30cr.

Any interested parties should contact me via forums IM, email: martin.tee77 at gmail, IRC: and - u/n phasma.

Any questions, please feel free to enquire on the thread. Thanks and see you guys soon!
Daganev2012-07-26 07:14:14
Question, because I want to understand why I'm missing.

What is the benefit of a programmed que when we have stratagems?
Unknown2012-07-26 07:22:21
Stratagems will never take such things as afflictions into account. It was (stratagem) designed to be a very basic system, put in place to assist in minor, non-critical tasks. A proper client-side queue system does stratagem, and more. It was built from the ground up to be a complete combat queue system, rather than something supplementary to, for example, a basic auto-bashing system.
Calixa2012-07-26 11:06:35
Having a client-side queue also means you can run several queues at the same time, which in some cases can be useful.
Daganev2012-07-26 11:08:44
gotcha thanks.