Creating some kind of a GUI

by Dhazar

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Dhazar2011-12-01 01:25:16
Well, currently I have some free time and planning to make a GUI for the game. Just started today and here is the first step!

It works by a creating proxy between server and your mud client. So it will be available for all clients. Currently it only uses score screen and prompt messages and shows current status of your character. It is not that useful however I am planning more.

My question is how the web client works. For example how it access the map information etc.
Enyalida2011-12-01 02:08:46
it probably uses GMCP to grab the Vnum of the room then loads the .xml available on the website.
Vadi2011-12-01 03:49:38
An embedded interface will be much better in a client... for example, this.
Dhazar2011-12-01 12:56:57
Well, this pretty much invalidates all the reason that I have to work on a such project. I guess I should find myself another occupation :)