
by Sakr

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Sakr2011-11-20 14:49:44
So for the ones that play skyrim here, how did you build your character(s)? Did you find any tricks that would help other people?

For example, at the black briar meadery, you can persuade the bartender to tell the truth as much as you want to increase your speech skillset. Or if you leveled up enchantment, and have 4 pieces that reduce the cost of conjuration (for soul trap) by 25% each, you can cast soul trap to a dead corpse to keep circling up the ability.

And why are many of the companions so weak? Gave them help potions, but they still disappear ( First companion flew from a giant's blow, despite being told to wait, or the horse charged in to fight two bears....)

And the night to remember quest is hilarious.
Shulamit2011-11-21 05:23:31
I initially built the character to be heavy armour and sword/shield combo (I know how to play that real well) but ever since I've done the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines, I've been doing a lot more light armour sneaky sneaky. I'm really really good at picking locks, no matter what though.

Companions suck. I just leave them at the homes I've accumulated now. I use to love them, but they just get in my way (never take them inside shops you plan on stealing from, if you aren't allowed inside, they'll just keep telling you that again and again.
Unknown2011-11-21 05:53:44
I wander around in a suit of heavy armour with massive weapons slaughtering the wildlife, giant and dragons.

I must profess that I have abused Smithing somewhat. Not to the degrees of others, but enough that my choice in armor is irrelevant, and that my choice in weapons is marginal.
Stangmar2011-11-21 17:10:23
Being a cheap ass late adopter, I'll probably buy this game next year when it's $19.99

For now, I'll just go dig up my old copy of Morrowind :P
Drezneth2011-11-21 23:13:57
First character is an argonian assassin with ranged/stabby skills. Second character and my current favorite is a kajiit unarmed fighter with heavy armour. The heavy armor gauntlet perk stacks with the kajiit claw passive so I can hit like a truck.
Ssaliss2011-11-21 23:16:56
First character I made was a Khajiit Mage. Not a standard build, exactly, but it's fun nonetheless!
Unknown2011-11-22 04:27:19

First character is an argonian assassin with ranged/stabby skills. Second character and my current favorite is a kajiit unarmed fighter with heavy armour. The heavy armor gauntlet perk stacks with the kajiit claw passive so I can hit like a truck.

Hehehehahahahaha. You think you hit like a truck? Use potions and weapon enchants to boost up your smithing, and then enhance a daedric warhammer to what is essentially four times the intended amount of firepower.

And then enchant your gear with +onehanded weapon skill enchants.
Sakr2011-11-23 07:34:41
College quests end up with a free home, being archmage, and a garden. But I rolled a Breton spell sword :)

Daedric heavy armor is way too enjoyable, especially when double buffed with enchantments. Destruction spells cost reduced to 0 with nice bonuses on the side :)
Unknown2011-11-29 05:57:44
Gods be praised, there's a good UI mod.
Unknown2011-11-29 14:19:33

I didn't consider it good untill I could do enchantments :P
Janalon2011-11-30 20:50:05

Being a cheap ass late adopter, I'll probably buy this game next year when it's $19.99

For now, I'll just go dig up my old copy of Morrowind :P

Someone suggested I do just this. How is the older Morrowind for PS3?
Unknown2011-11-30 21:09:15
Morrowind is excellent on any system; it's one of my favorite games of all time, if not my favorite. That said, with all the mods and such available on the PC version, I would recommend you get that instead (I run over 100 mods on mine). It's an old game, so you should have no trouble running it.
Unknown2011-12-02 02:34:39
I see a lot of people complaining about the lack of diversity in enemies in Skyrim. I noticed it too, but there's just something that's fun about running around and eviscerating bandits.

Also, I discovered that if you use a bound sword and wear nightingale armour, you look like Revan. Easter egg maybe?
Ssaliss2011-12-04 12:47:13
Todays discovery: Invisible dragons and dragons that don't give you dragon souls :( At first, there weren't many bugs, but lately they've been popping up far more often.
Xenthos2011-12-04 14:05:41

Todays discovery: Invisible dragons and dragons that don't give you dragon souls :( At first, there weren't many bugs, but lately they've been popping up far more often.

The patch has caused quite a few, I'm on a weekend trip right now but it quite happily coincided with this period.

Next patch is coming this week for PC at least.

It's not just Dragons that go invisible for me, I have had Argonians fade away into a pair of floating eyes, some clothing, and nothing else while I was talking to them.
Ssaliss2011-12-04 14:53:32
I'd settle for a pair of eyes. The only way I had of fighting the dragon was the aura whisper shout (or whatever it's called; the detect life/death equivalence) and firing firebolts randomly. Still killed the dragon dead though (thank the Gods for 3-magica firebolts).
Razenth2011-12-06 01:50:15
At least you haven't run into the backwards flying ones yet.

Resistance bug = raaaaaage. I downloaded the script extender mod that fixed that one issue, but I still have to conjure a flame atronach and flame it everytime I load my game to make sure that it's actually working (because sometimes it doesn't).
Ssaliss2011-12-06 02:03:48
Resistance bug? Not sure I ran into that one yet... although I've noticed I can firebolt flame atronachs. Did they reverse the resistance so it became a weakness instead or something?
Razenth2011-12-06 03:17:14
No, they just don't work. Wait until you get one shotted by a mage with fireballs while you have 84% magic resist and you'll know something is wrong :(