MUSHclient influencer needed!

by Unknown

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Unknown2011-10-14 10:35:20
I've been in Lusternia for a long while now, but I have only just recently switched over to MUSHclient. I am completely at a loss as to how I should go about writing an influence script. I am looking for two things.

1) A sample script for influencing, either complete, or just one chunk of it. What I'd need for either requirement:
---A)Some way of setting the general influence type (charity, empowerment, etc)
---B)Keybindings to `,1,2,3 for the bromides,level 1 influence, level 2 influence, and level 3 influence respectively.
---C)An alias to switch targets and the influence type.
2) An explanation of each step and chunk of code. Remember, I am a complete novice with this programming, so I have absolutely no idea how to set variables, triggers, aliases, and the such. I've only ever worked with Nexus, and even then was only ok with it.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Unknown2011-11-05 17:35:08
I think I know where to find one, on Iron Realms' site's coding area.