New found respect for daffy duck.

by Unknown

Back to The Funnies.

Unknown2011-09-19 23:33:14
Unknown2011-09-20 01:06:12
I'm glad they are actually doing something with the Warner Bros. characters now. For some reason, when the latest movie died at the box office some idiot decided that the WB characters were no longer "relevant" and the classics were removed.

All they have to do is just do what they did in the 40s and 50s, parody popular elements of the culture. smile.gif
Vadi2011-09-20 01:30:56
Modern. I like it.
Daraius2011-09-20 01:59:59

I watch the new Looney Tunes Show. It's been hit-or-miss, but when it hits, it hits hard. Basically any episode with Lola Bunny (Kristen Wiig!) is a winner.

Anyway, those Merry Melodies segments are usually just kind of awkward, but this one was an epic evolution of one of the show's running gags. biggrin.gif
Lehki2011-09-20 18:52:14
That was... that was amazing. o__O
Reko2011-09-20 22:10:49
I don't even like wizards and I thought that was awesome. But you know it being Daffy it'll end up like this. ( Or it should..) polymorph.gif