Quick Question About Artisanals

by Fania

Back to Creative Arts.

Fania2011-09-09 06:51:19
So, I know a few years back (prolly at least 3-4 years now) they changed things with the whole artisanal system. This only applied to those who had reached the top rank for the artist. They'd start over again with the rankings but would have a title before their rank (Like mine is Superior Sketcher now). I thought that with the next round of ranking there would be more credits not fewer (or rather the same amount of credits as I would have received if I were starting over in the rankings). I have yet to find the news post for this, and I realize that there are only a few people who can answer this question. I swear that post said there would be some kind of increase in credits for the higher rankings. So should I have gotten more credits? If not, no big deal. Just wondering.
Lendren2011-09-09 10:55:35
It starts over with each new iteration.