Fleshpot Furore

by Unknown

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Unknown2011-05-26 15:01:46

From the fleshpot raid a few weeks ago. I've never done this before so hope it works:
The log

I was in the enviable position of being able to witness the atrocity from beginning to end.
Ixion2011-05-26 15:12:13
I have no idea how you see anything with wordwrap of like 6 and 1000 pt font.
Unknown2011-05-26 15:13:25
I think the Fleshpots/Spheres-not-attacking-until-attacked thing has been bugged and fixed.
Unknown2011-05-26 17:02:12
I like how Olormi is using the basic unedited mob attacks in that log.

I'm pretty sure a lot has changed since then, even without the last big update to mob health. We'll see how things go the next time they get hit.