Bad Romance

by Stangmar

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Stangmar2011-04-08 05:00:50
Bad Romance - On the Rocks

Now, I don't like Lady Gaga, I find her to be vulgar and crude, but these guys are awesome.
Everiine2011-04-08 15:21:00
I love On the Rocks! They were on The Sing Off (a capella music competition show that makes American Idol look like a bunch of losers who can't sing. Oh wait, American Idol already does that to itself), and opened with this song. Their other performances were "Live Your Life" by Rihanna, "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Lepard, "Kyrie" by Mr Mister, and an Elton John medley. They got shafted by the judges, though--they weren't the best group on the show, but Jerry Lawson and "We Used to Be Hot But Now We Only Sing in One Style" should have gone home instead of them.

Here's a link to a playlist of all of their Sing Off performances: CLICK ME!!