Aethership/manse Dirge

by Talan

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Talan2011-02-19 05:43:02
I'm looking for the owner of the manse/ship with the name (not title) 'dirge'. On the chance you're still playing, and wouldn't mind giving up that name, or selling it for some reasonable amount (5-10 credits?), please let me know. We have a new org ship with a Harbingers theme and would really like to use it!

Alternately, if you know who owns it and maybe they don't read forums, I would appreciate if you could PM or msg me so I can try to contact them in game. Thanks!
Unknown2011-02-19 06:33:55
You're driving a hard bargain there...
Talan2011-02-19 06:37:23
Um, to clarify, I don't want to buy the ship, I want you to rename it, and will pay for that. If it's not a ship that's really in use (and I haven't seen it around, so I don't think it is), it's kind of a really good bargain!

Edit! Yay, done. Thank you, previous owner!