MushClient & Nexus

by Unknown

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Unknown2011-02-01 19:04:27
So I was kind of curious...since I am starting to get better at coding in nexus and improving my there anyway to convert them over to Mushclient? Would make things a lot easier if I could create my systems in nexus and then switch it over to Lua easily and have them run. Considering I have managed to make an auto-sipper and influencing system that are both pretty decent. The influencing does all the work except moving, starting, and selecting targets...that I have to do manually. The thought came to mind because of all the lag on nexus the more complex the system gets
Unknown2011-02-01 19:30:22
Lua's an easy language to learn and use, but there is no automatic process for converting from Nexus to anything else (or vice versa). If you have the logic down, the rest is just a matter of reading enough help files to figure out how to build the triggers, aliases, and scripts.