aethership triggers

by Krackenor

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Krackenor2010-09-12 22:03:58
I was wondering if there were any experienced empaths that could suggest some useful aliases and triggers; I'd like to be able to empath, but I'd rather not cause the death of an entire crew (multiple crews, even) while I try and figure it out piecemeal. Communication through PM or here would be perfect. Thanks!
Ssaliss2010-09-12 22:06:41
The basic triggers that I expanded off were:


You regain module balance; GRID REPAIR HULL;GRID REPAIR MODULE

That should cover the most basics. Empaths are generally also expected to keep track of slivvens (which you can get from GRID MODULES), but that's more complex, generally.
Krackenor2010-09-13 03:00:14
Can you give me the specific line for being hit, or is it different for each attacker?
Ssaliss2010-09-13 09:27:35
There are a few different one, unfortunately. Just make an alias to GRID REPAIR HULL while you gather them.
Krackenor2010-09-13 23:24:40
all right. Thank you!
Kaia2010-09-14 01:19:20
make sure you work out the clarity bit, too. It's important.
Krackenor2010-09-14 01:56:40
Kaia2010-09-14 02:07:44
Clarity is how you clear the command chair when you hit a shockwave.