Creating a status window for Mudlet

by Unknown

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Unknown2010-09-17 22:51:39
I'd like to have a special window created for use in Mudlet. If you've ever seen the Aardwolf GUI for Mudlet called MAG, then I'm aiming for something like that (see here).

It would have 2/3 columns or rows that can track things like:
- current state of the room (meld? carcer? temporal bonds? etc)
- current state of target (webbed? asleep? health/mana/ego (using the skill to discern this)
- my own afflictions, but categorized in the same way as help curelist/healing skill

I will pay for this with credits since I'm an inept coder and simply don't have time to learn all its intricacies - you don't need to add all the different triggers/lines, but at the minimum I'd like to have the framework and then I can make triggers to catch those lines and put them into the window, and at the same time make triggers to remove them or to manually clear the window if need be. And also would be nice if the window can be organized neatly with headings, separators, etc. And to resize the window.

If this small project is something you can do, let me know!

EDIT: Here is a quick and rough example of what I mean
Since last check, they have: #/#h, #/#m, #/#e
Afflicted with: a, b, c, d, e
They are aurawarped!
They are asleep!
Being tracked by x rubies

Afflicted by:
a    d
b    e    
c    f
WARNING: You are reckless!

There is: carcer, temporal bonds, clouds
Your beast Reitu is with you.
Exits: north, south, out