Shavatt Experiments

by Aicuthi

Back to Chronicles of the Basin.

Aicuthi2010-08-18 18:43:52
After performing an autopsy on one of the slime/blob creatures that attacked Serenwilde recently, Aicuthi's arm refuses to fully regenerate. Without a sample from the fleshpots, it isn't possible to restore it completely. For now, a prosthetic replica made of skysilver will have to suffice. Ileein surgically removes the toxic bits from Aicuthi's arm and fuses the prosthetic during this surgery.

More to come.

An esoteric laboratory steeped in aether.
Wispy and elegant, a chair of quartz and silver stands here with a dull gleam. There are 12 silver bars in 4 groups here. A bit of cloud essence floats here, its fluffy white form wavering delightfully. Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus is here. He wields an amethyst wand in his left hand.
You see a single exit leading east (open door).

You doff the hood of silken robes of night-blue and dark golden hues cordially.

You give an elegant white letter to Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus.

Ileein doffs a mathematically-flawless crystalline crown cordially.

It is now the 24th of Avechary, 274 years after the Coming of Estarra.

Ileein nods his head emphatically.

You take a deep breath and allow your mind to calm, and your crystalline body begins to shift in colour.

You sit yourself down.

Aicuthi lays flat to the ground, the marble floors drawn with pentagrams marked in bluetint.

Washing his hands thoroughly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Very well. The preparations are all complete, yes?"

Aicuthi nods nervously, her eyes slowly shutting.

You say, "Yes."

Aicuthi removes part of her robe, revealing the upper chest portion of her body.

Turning back to you with a nod, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Excellent. Now, I'm going to isolate your pain utilizing empathic and psychotropic techniques. If your pain status changes during the operation, let me know."

Placing an amethyst crystal on the palm of his hand, Ileein stares intently at it until the crystal floats up and then settles into an orbit around him.

Resolve steeled, you say to Ileein, "Understood."

Placing an emerald crystal on the palm of his hand, Ileein stares intently at it until the crystal floats up and then settles into an orbit around him.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus lays a hand on your head and closes his eyes. A soft white glimmers in the air momentarily, followed by a soothing sensation, and the amethyst and emerald gems increase rapidly in speed.

Aicuthi lets out a deep breath, remaining silent.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus stands and proceeds to the control module, where a bank of switches and buttons is displayed, pulsing softly in many colors.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Glancing over at you, an uncharacteristic note of concern entering his voice, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Are you ready?"

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Slipping her hands into mandala-shaped tubing, you say to Ileein, "I'm ready. Please, proceed."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Aicuthi clenches her fists, and a light surges out from a network of cables along the walls. The lights dim and a faint blipping sound emanates from a nearby display.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus nods and brings a hand down upon the green switch, pulling it smoothly down. Along the side of the chamber, the primary mixing vat emits a soft whir and a click, the lid swinging open upon well-oiled hinges.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Dispassionately, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Primary mixing vat disengaged.."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus moves over to the purple switch, pulling it down as well. The silver liquid contained in the vat churns and overflows into the channels, which direct it into a large, clear containment chamber along the wall.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Making a note on his instruction sheet, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Excellent, excellent."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus taps a crystalline logic crystal, which glows with renewed light. Working swiftly, he inputs a word into the logic crystal's display screen. There is the sound of crystalline 'thinking,' and a green light pulses from the screen.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Nodding, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Excellent. Ancillary preparations are verified."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus presses a yellow switch on the control module, and some of the silver liquid flows along clear crystalline piping into a basin immediately next to the operation area.

Taking a deep breath and moving swiftly over to stand next to you, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "All preparations complete. Please steel yourself."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

You nod your head slowly in understanding.

Aicuthi's breathing becomes readily apparent, the room filling with a pulsating rhythm of steady heartbeat. The largest display at the end of the room emits a flashing multi-hued tone, filling with numerical measurements.

Quietly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but would you shift slightly to ensure optimum access to the operation area?"

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

You ask, "Where would you like me?"

Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Wherever is comfortable. However, the area of operation should be easily accessible. A side position would be acceptable, if that is comfortable for you."

Aicuthi nods slowly towards Ileein, trust in her eyes.

Aicuthi positions herself adjacent to Ileein, her left arm spread.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus picks up a gleaming, bladed tool and kneels, placing a finger on your forehead and renewing the pain-shift operation, the gems orbiting his head glowing with a renewed, soothing light.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Following a deep breath and in a monotone voice, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Beginning operation."

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus quickly and efficiently begins to remove the crystalline skin from the operation area. The tool glows with channeled energy, cutting through the crystal substance with relative ease.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Aicuthi winces, but no pain is evident on her face.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Aicuthi's face streams with tears, yet remains completely still and unflinching.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus completes the removal of the crystalline skin, but a clear, viscous substance oozes from the bare operation location. Frowning, he uses a soft cloth to wipe away enough to allow vision and unobstructed work.

The spinning emerald around Ileein suffuses you with a deep green glow.

Placing an emerald crystal on the palm of his hand, Ileein stares intently at it until the crystal floats up and then settles into an orbit around him.

Aicuthi's eyes flutter incessantly, barely gripping to consciousness as she begins to nod off.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus frowns and presses his hand more intently to your forehead.

His eyes glowing with the expenditure of empathic effort, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "You need to remain awake, Aicuthi. You need to stay sober."

Aicuthi blinks heavily, wrenching her psyche to full attention.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus stands and reaches into the basin, having allowed the solution time to set. Slowly, carefully, he withdraws the gleaming skysilver construction within and bears it over to the operation location, orienting it to the shape of your body.

Aicuthi incoherently mumbles something, voice trailing off.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus holds up a hand, directing it at the operation area. Speaking quickly, but in the same dispassionate voice, he says, "Begin sterilization," and directs a mote of cosmic fire at the wound. It expands rapidly into a stream of sparkling flame, lapping at the open wound and laying bare the strange crystalline muscle and tendons.

Beneath his breath, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "What's that, Aicuthi?"

Aicuthi's exposed muscle tissue twitches spasmodically, throbbing fleshy crimson.

You open your mouth to say something, but speech fails you.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus slowly and carefully presses the end of the prosthesis to the exposed tissue, carefully lining up each organic-inorganic interface point with its organic counterpart.

Aicuthi looks up at Ileein with a blank expression, but her gaze meanders away.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus closes his eyes, lips moving as though in silent thought, then opens them again. Withdrawing a ruby from the gem rift, he sets it into slow revolution around you. Immediately, it begins emitting tiny motes of balefire, which float to the contact points and, with minute flashes of temporal light, weld them together, eliminating any seam between the organic and the inorganic.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus bends down and brushes a long-fingered hand across your face, attempting to draw out what pain he can and clear your mind, though it is clear that the effort is taking an immense toll on him. His eyes narrow, heavy lids threatening to close, but he forces them open again.

Placing an amethyst crystal on the palm of his hand, Ileein stares intently at it until the crystal floats up and then settles into an orbit around him.

Aicuthi clears her throat to cough, a minute trickle of blood splurting from her mouth to roll down her cheek.

Ileein lays a hand on your forehead, and your body tingles with a healing warmth.

Half to himself, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "This needs to end."

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus points at the ruby, which revolves much more quickly around your head. It swiftly spits motes of balefire at the contact points, completing the welding, then drops from the air entirely.

Aicuthi remains unpleasantly still, yet breathes normally.

Eyes glinting with worry, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Now... induction of temporal healing."

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus places his hands on either side of the wound and its prosthesis. He speaks something which seems to echo oddly, beginning to resonate a second before he starts speaking and not ceasing for seconds afterward. Motes of light dance around the wound, and the crystalline tissue begins to regenerate at an unnatural speed.

Aicuthi opens and closes her eyes almost mechanically, and in rapid succession.

Glancing down at you and speaking very quietly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "...I hope this works."

Aicuthi's fingers flex in response.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus's eyes gleam with relief before he resumes his professional detachment.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus uncaps a small crystalline vial and splashes a little of the liquid on the wound, producing a soothing sensation.

Aicuthi stays quiet for what feels like an eternity, but abruptly mumbles in her half-awake state.

Looking up with squinted vision, you say to Ileein, "..leein.."

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus leans closer, one hand holding the health elixir and the other gleaming with empathic energy.

Cautiously, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Aicuthi, is all well?"

Aicuthi makes an indistinct sound, her facial features pale and haggard.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus places the health elixir to your lips and attempts to drip a few drops in.

Aicuthi finally slips into unconscious sleep, looking somewhat at ease despite the empathic dulling.

Some time later...

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus sighs and settles back on his heels. He removes one of the gems from orbit in order to ameliorate the dulling effect while leaving some of the pain-easing in place.

Ileein chants softly to himself, and his body momentarily becomes transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.

Ileein chants softly, and your body momentarily becomes transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.

Ileein chants softly, and your body momentarily becomes transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.

Ileein takes a drink from an airy vial.

Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus sighs in relief, though a trace of concerned tension remains in his expression.

You take a deep breath and allow your mind to calm, and your crystalline body begins to shift in colour.

Aicuthi's eyes begin to open slowly, bleary and dazed with confusion.

Voice hoarse and groggy, you say to Ileein, "..ho're you?"

Slowly and clearly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Aicuthi Shavatt, it is around dusk on the twenty-fourth of Avechary, two hundred and seventy-four years after the coming of the entity known as Estarra. I am Ileein Shavatt, the surgeon who applied your prosthesis and," his voice softening, "your brother."

You smile softly at Ileein.

A bit of colour flushing her complexion once more, you say to Ileein, "...Right."

Aicuthi groans softly, resting her head back.

In an airy, worried voice, you say to Ileein, "...Was it...successful?"

Looking you over with an appraising air, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I believe it was, indeed."

Aicuthi flexes her fingers again, this time with a more resilient movement.

You wince in pain.

She is a crystalline prismatic lucidian ... Composed entirely from gleaming alloy, her prosthetic left arm is forged of lightweight skysilver. Arcane etchings have been inscribed to the base of its palm, exquisitely wrought as a testament to Hallifaxian art and technology. ...

Frowning slightly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Some pain may linger; I can give you a numbing elixir to deal with that. It should fade in a matter of months."

Gaining a modicum of alertness, you say to Ileein, "Thank you...Ileein."

More quietly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "How do you feel?"

Aicuthi begins pushing herself up on her good arm, quivering to gain balance.

You say, "I have felt better in the past.."
Ileein2010-08-18 18:50:03
Just as a side note, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing coming into this. Just a letter with the outline of the procedure. >_<
Tekora2010-08-18 18:52:35
Nifty, but not sure why this was necessary. Ileein knows that the Institute recently came into possession of a sample of , and it would have made a prosthesis operation unnecessary.
Ileein2010-08-18 18:57:10
Shh, that didn't come up. Ileein had no idea what was going on. tongue.gif If you don't ask...
Aicuthi2010-08-18 18:57:42
QUOTE (Ileein @ Aug 18 2010, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just as a side note, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing coming into this. Just a letter with the outline of the procedure. >_<

Yeah, I probably should have waited until next month. But it was lots of fun, even if I haven't slept yet and can barely keep my eyes open.
Llesvelt2010-08-18 19:01:32
Nice one!

I have it on pretty good authority that reading it while listening to "Harder Better Faster Stronger" by Daft Punk is pretty awesome too.
Kazban2010-08-18 19:04:56
wub.gif Shavatts!
Aicuthi2010-08-18 19:05:48
Also before I forget. Is Ileein not the most fantastic RPer ever?
Nihmriel2010-08-18 19:27:53
Curses! I missed it.
Llesvelt2010-08-18 19:30:48
QUOTE (Aicuthi @ Aug 18 2010, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also before I forget. Is Ileein not the most fantastic RPer ever?

Fantastic indeed.
Daraius2010-08-18 20:02:10
Fullmetal Aicuthi, sweeeet. clap_1.gif
Calixa2010-08-18 20:25:20
That's some quality RP right there. I'm growing a soft spot for all things Lucidian and Hallifax at this rate.
Sylandra2010-08-18 20:26:59
Ya crazy mad scientist Shavatts. wink.gif

But this was fun to read. Nice RP.
Kazban2010-08-18 22:31:39
My Sister is a android! I loves it. and yes, Ileein is amazing
james2010-08-18 23:54:24
<3 the RP..was expecting the dramatic nurse line.." Doctor! Will he make it?" suspicious.gif
Ileein2010-08-19 00:39:11
*organ music*

"I... don't know." *takes off glasses and looks soulfully into space*
Aicuthi2010-08-19 01:42:51
QUOTE (Daraius @ Aug 18 2010, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fullmetal Aicuthi, sweeeet. clap_1.gif

I'm glad you're familiar with that series. Too bad it ended recently, it's one of my favorites.

QUOTE (Kazban @ Aug 18 2010, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Sister is a android! I loves it. and yes, Ileein is amazing

Don't encourage. I'm deciding if I should just slowly start going crazy and getting surgeries all over my body. That is a little off the edge though.
Kazban2010-08-19 01:49:26
If I didnt cover my entire body the self inflicted "studies" upon myself would be more well known. I suppose that will come about in the future.
There is a reason my robe is designed in the fashion it is.

This family makes me ecstatic though. I am sure more interesting things will come to fruition.
Aicuthi2010-08-19 02:06:37
QUOTE (Tekora @ Aug 18 2010, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nifty, but not sure why this was necessary. Ileein knows that the Institute recently came into possession of a sample of , and it would have made a prosthesis operation unnecessary.

This was elective and semi-scripted. I probably won't even bother fixing my arm. Who knows how long it'll take to find the right sample from the right fleshpot. Maybe I'll need samples from all of them? suspicious.gif

Character motivation, check.
Llesvelt2010-08-19 06:39:19

We are all Transmortalist tongue.gif

QUOTE (Calixa @ Aug 18 2010, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's some quality RP right there. I'm growing a soft spot for all things Lucidian and Hallifax at this rate.

How about us Trill? No love for the Trill?