Voting battle. Who's up next?

by Kiradawea

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Kiradawea2009-06-28 22:30:45
I'm a glutton for punishment ain't I? Let me introduce the next "fight", which will either be between either




The winners from each fight will have a final to determine who is the cutest and strongest of all, or something. I'm tired and not feeling very funny.
Aerotan2009-06-28 22:58:46
White (dragon) Power!
Ayisdra2009-06-28 23:09:44
How dare you group Djinn with Kirby. The Djinn would win without the Kirby...
Xavius2009-06-29 00:11:55
What is that silverfish-looking thing?
Ayisdra2009-06-29 00:54:35
Its from the Lunar series. What exactly Nall is, I don't believe is ever said, but its some sort of feline-dragon thing.
Aerotan2009-06-29 01:22:17
I think it's generally understood that he's a young white dragon. ie when he moves you via his wings.
Celina2009-06-29 08:10:29
dragon-cat vs pikachu or kirby vs lobster...uh...squid...thing.