LMTS Mac help

by Unknown

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Unknown2008-01-18 06:50:05
I recently got a macbook, and was wondering how to get LMTS to work on Macs. CroX told me in another thread that it is mac compatible, but I am having trouble figuring it out. I cannot even run Mb-core because macs can't run exe's? I'm pretty mac illiterate right now, but any help would be appreciated
Unknown2008-01-18 09:04:12
You will have to download the source files and then compile it yourself.
Unknown2008-01-18 22:48:55
Do you mean the IMTS files? I was looking o nthe imperian forums for a similar solution and it appears you have to download the IMTS-darwin file. I tried that and couldn't figure out how to run it since there's no mb-core file within that zip. If that is what you mean, then I can try again to figure it out though.
Unknown2008-01-19 00:07:35
The mb-core file is created when you compile it, so you have to download the source and then figure out how to compile it on your system. That's about as much help as we can offer you here, unfortunately.
Vadi2008-01-23 16:47:57
Get Xcode 2.5 or 3.0 installed (avialable on apple's developer website), open up the terminal, navigate to the systems directory, and type "make". Then ./bot to run it.