What's Everyone Up To?

by Unknown

Back to Project L.

Unknown2005-03-12 20:55:32
Okay, this forum seems to have been a little idle in the last couple of days. Is anyone actually doing anything? And if so, what have you done? What are you planning to do?

Personally, I feel there are too many people working on this project. There should only be a couple (maybe 3 - 6ish?) actually doing the hard yards (quoting my old English teacher), and then the rest just suggesting ideas and similar.
Daganev2005-03-13 12:00:04
I have done bumpkiss save my image.
celahir2005-03-14 11:49:31
I've inputted three scripts, one to read score and gag it, same for stat and one to track peoples skills. Ill also post my multiple targetting system later. Also cruising the internet for pics though i cant find any.
Ethelon2005-03-15 02:16:33
I'm reworking the Free system I've been giving out to make it more generic and friendly to new players for Mushclient.
Eldanien2005-03-19 19:32:31
I've been doing a whole lot of nothing, so far. Daydreaming about what could be done, how I might go about it, but little in the way of progress.

Estarra, Roark, Buho or whomever, could you set up a document with officially ok'd requirements? We can tack on as we go, but I'm still somewhat in the dark as to what I should or shouldn't be working towards. I don't like to take every suggestion as being a given part of the project else we'll see feature creep like crazy.

A project leader would be nice to have. Someone official, or officially designated. It's amazing what an accountable individual does to a project. =P
Singollo2005-03-20 08:18:50
Well, first off, I don't have a lot of time to begin with. I enjoy my meager social life, maintaining my status on the dean's list and actually working on my character. I do however try to put a significant amount of time in on this project, and right now I'm looking at brushing up some of my photoshop skills (It's like riding a bike, right? You never forget!).
celahir2005-03-20 13:24:29
Ok then Ill set up a post to see whether we should have a leader or not then if everyone agrees have a poll to see who'll run the project?