
by Singollo

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Singollo2005-03-09 20:38:35
Before we start talking singular graphics too deeply, I think it would be more appropriate to talk themes. Honestly, I don't know where to go theme wise with Lusternia. The website is a bit mechanical, but the game seems to be more magical based. This is where I think we could use some of the admin's vision for the game itself.

What objects do we want to use as far borders, surroundings, etc. What colors (keep in mind that while it is possible to do it graphically, we are limited by the ASCII colors within zMUD)? Do we even want to do it as a more graphic intensive interface? Do we want to do a simple version, and also a graphic version? Ideas, suggestions?
Eldanien2005-03-09 20:47:46
I get a definite Planescape feeling from the graphics and overall tone of the site. This carried over into play for a short while, but it's mostly diminished and disappeared since. Periodically, I get that sensation again when hunting astral or when I see such things as a cubix in operation, but I don't think it's quite right.

I think it's certainly worth spending extra effort in keeping our graphics to the same look and feel.
Daganev2005-03-09 21:04:29
Lusternia has a very spiritual feel to me. However, since the basic background that you will be seeing the game on is black, with 8 solid colors, that are going to change based on what the user likes. (for example most of my colors have been altered to make my eyes feel better) I think a Black color theme would work best.

Our motto should be.. KISS (Keep it simple Stupid)
We have a 16 color pallete.
Dark Grey
Light Grey
Dark Blue
Forest Green
Dark cyan
Dark purple
Greenish yellow

The main colors of the text that an average zmud user will see is White and Forest Green. You generally want your interface to be in contrast to the game so that you can keep focus and have your eyes catch things easily. Which means opposite colors.
The opposite family of White and Green is

Black and Red

However, Cyan and the brighter colors are going to catch your eye better on important things changing.

Then you have color norms that people expect. Blue for Mana, Red for Health. Red as a color of warning, Green as a color of everything is ok. Yellow as a color of "pay attention before it gets bad"

With all these colors, the color that best brings it all together and allows things to stand out is black and dark dark greys. However, to make it look more friendly, blue and yellow highlights migh be appropriate. (such as a 1 pixel color half-border on some things.)

The default color of zmud is light grey.

Its best to stay away from orange for text, but its a good color for images to make them accentuate the other colors around them.
celahir2005-03-10 07:38:56
We can increase the palette by using the %btcol() function for example.
There are some more I think too, to make them work you'd have to include them in the start up alias that layers all the buttons and opens all the needed classes.
Unknown2005-03-23 08:02:59
Regarding Colors, I really suggest we work out a decent color scheme to replace the zmud defaults... I don't know about you but I think the standard ANSI color scheme is rather ugly. (And hard to read. Blue text on black background anyone?)

More modern versions of zMud actually support hex color codes in quite most instances so there's definitely room for some tweaking.

Fixing basic issues with the default layout should come first I think, 'cause imho that allready does alot to improve the gaming experience.
Daganev2005-03-23 09:05:09
I've custmized all my zmud colors, as I like more subtle tones, however I doubt anyone save a few peole would like the same colors as me, and the Color scheme of the website and forums are not good for text, so I'm not sure whats best. However, I still vote for a grayscale look.
celahir2005-03-23 11:34:11
The problem is that if we have a certain theme people will always dislike it..

How about making a few colour schemes that go together such as greyscale for example then when they set up the system they can pick the colours they want!