
by Daganev

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Daganev2004-11-03 07:03:45
I'm curious, how many different types of afflictions can you actually get and does anyone know where a full list of them can be found?
Unknown2004-11-03 07:20:09
There's an exceptional amount. I have most of 'em written down(can't get 'em right now). It's well over 50.
Daganev2004-11-03 07:51:04
I'm thinking instead of making thousands of triggers with complex scripts to just make the 50+ aliases that do the complex scripts for me. So if you get your hand on those affflictions will you list them? Don't need the cures, thats what fighting is for just want to know the names so I can set up aliases
Thorgal2004-11-03 10:33:18
Fractured lef arm, fractured right arm, left wrist broke, right wrist broken, broken nose, fractured ribs, haemophilia, lethargy, thin blood, right arm artery, left arm artery, right leg artery, left leg artery, slickness, recklessness, healthleech, dissonance, peace, aeon, powersink, addictions, lovers, gluttony, generosity, impatience, loneliness, shyness, masochism, anorexia, confusion, hallucinations, stupidity, dementia, paranoia, weakness, rigormortis, left leg cut, right leg cut, left arm cut, right arm cut, clumsiness, dizziness, epilepsy, vapors, hemiplegy, pierced right arm, pierced left arm, pierced left leg, pierced right leg, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, vestiphobia, hypchondria, sensitivity, vertigo, blindness, deafness, vomiting, dysentry, worms, hypersomnia, healthleech, slit throat, scalped, cut left ear, cut right ear, asthma, pierced lung, sun allergy, pox, scabies, itch, burning, chilled, frozen, crotamine, broken left arm, broken right arm, broken left leg, broken right leg, broken jaw, broken skull, disloyalty, concussion, bursted organs, disembowelment and collapsed lungs.

I probably missed a few...
Shamarah2004-11-07 18:38:36
Cut torso, webbed, fear, paralysis, insomnia, stunned. And you said healthleech twice.