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Public News Post #1843


Written by: Athrun, Supplicant of Sacrifice
Date: Sunday, May 26th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone


My name is Athrun! I was apart of the Tahtetso guild when they were still around. My mentor was Rayen, and she was a wonderful lady! I'm a faeling tahtetso monk, but I'm sure that is obvious to those who see me running about! I'm short, extremely short and rather outgoing, I think anyway! I like to be the center of attention, it's the most important thing ever! Oh, and so is beating things with my tahto! I'm not very good at it, but I try and want to get better so that I can become a scary under two-foot ball of happy-go-lucky butt kicking! I joined the Archons mainly because the only person I remembered from my previous time awake was Sir Romaan, so it made sense to come here! At least to me, but before I made my choice, I made sure to read the scroll about the Archons.

I want to stand for something, I want my skills and abilities to be put to good use. To be used to protect the ones I care about, my friends and city-mates. I want to be someone important and worthwhile. Most importantly, I want to find where I belong and what I can do to actually be of some assistance to the city that I call home… aside from just wondering around and being some guy who is always happy and trying to always make everyone smile. In reading the scroll about the Archons I felt a calling, I felt like I had found a family of sorts who can help me achieve my goals.

In Service,

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Urlachmar, in the year 532 CE.

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