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Mother Night's Embrace by Caighan

Merit for August 2005

Mother Night's Embrace

The sun is fading
Darkness begins invading
For those who have the yearning
Now is the time to begin learning
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Covens big and Covens small
Stand together to beat them all
Notice Darkness, Notice Light
Does not the Darkness just feel right?
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Cloak yourself in shadows garb
Become protected from poisoned barbs
Maybe soon you'll be convinced
Welcome the mother and become unfenced
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Bring about your Cauldron's power
So that you can make others cower
All of those who hate the crone
Night welcomes as her own
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Call upon the Night's Terror
Show your enemies they're in error
Tell me now how you feel
As Night's power becomes real
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Feel the agonizing bliss
As you deliver Night's sweet kiss
Of sacrifices offered to her debt
Mother Night will not forget
Feel your heart begin to race
As you enter Mother Night's embrace

Ever changing, Always there
Let mother night caress your hair
Now you know sweet mother's love
Guiding you to her Embrace