ILua scripting

by Unknown

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Unknown2008-03-21 20:48:21
I'm not sure what you mean by "write a second proxy to handle ATCP information." Do you mean the LMTS as opposed to IMTS? The only difference in ATCP is that our game has options the others don't have, such as ego and power. The code has to be updated to handle them or the ATCP doesn't do a darned thing for you.
Unknown2008-03-22 00:50:56
nah, I mean I had previously pondered just using the ATCP passthrough on LMTS and grab it with another layer in a language I already know. decided there was no reason to add another bottleneck. I'll just learn something new. heh
Unknown2008-04-25 21:12:32
Hi guys, I am attempting to pick up ilua to use in achaea's prompt, but I am currently getting "unable to serve module". Does anyone know how this kind of problem is solved or has gotten this to work for achaea? I have never used lua before so I am pretty lost.
Unknown2008-04-26 03:00:35
You should ask Vadimuses about it. He's just posted about his Achaea-specific version of MudBot.