New Cities' Bard Guilds

by Ileein

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Ileein2012-01-03 05:04:26
No, they're not here just yet, but almost:

Date: 1/3/2012 at 4:43
From: Estarra the Eternal
To : Everyone
Subj: Hallifax and Gaudiguch Bard Guilds!

As you may have guessed, the mechanism which magnified the power of
Zenos was from the Voices of dead Elder Gods, poor weak reflections of
who they once were, yet holding a portion of the Songs of Creation.
Alas, they have found homes in the flesh of Beloch Baruwski in Gaudiguch
and his aunt, Professor Nann Baruwski of Hallifax. The only way to free
the Voices from their dwarven hosts is for a song to draw them out.

Gaudiguch and Hallifax have one week in which to choose a song that
reflects their city. This could be by contest or however you want. At
that time, if the song is good enough for the Voice to want to stay, a
new guild could open in each city!

Of course, if the song is found wanting... well, perhaps you weren't
ready for a bard guild after all!

(BTW, the author of the poem will be the founder of the guild!)

Penned by My hand on the 17th of Dvarsh, in the year 314 CE.
Ytran2012-01-03 05:06:00
I am the very model of a scientist Lucidian...
Talan2012-01-03 05:09:56
Exciting! Good luck Pesukaru/Daedalion, and any others who have been biding time for ages! Can't wait to hear about the Voices!
Malarious2012-01-03 05:12:16
So guesses on what they will be like? Passive aeon? Balance loss? Burns to death?

In all seriousness I like new guilds, but I am hoping they are as easy to add as Shamanism, aka no redoing whole areas of code instead of just using like addAff("chills"). No new affs please >_< (although effects are ok)
Estarra2012-01-03 05:16:06

... I am hoping they are as easy to add as Shamanism, aka no redoing whole areas of code ...

Are you freaking kidding me? Shamanism required dumping our entire weather system and redoing it from scratch. It was a MASSIVE project (though admittedly players may never realize how much work it was). But, trust me, no skill needed redoing whole areas of code more than Shamanism... and you can thank our Iosai for that!
Ytran2012-01-03 05:16:57
I think he meant client side, for curing systems.

...well, I hope he did.
Estarra2012-01-03 05:19:10

I think he meant client side, for curing systems.

...well, I hope he did.

Oh... nevermind...
Unknown2012-01-03 05:20:00
Well, given that other bards have songs that synergize well with the rest of the city, I'd be surprised if Halli/Gaudi bards didn't have a song that does timewarp/insanity. Maybe burns too for Gaudi.
Eventru2012-01-03 05:35:20

I am the very model of a scientist Lucidian...

I've studied matters both harmonic and discordian
I'm quite good at aeonics as a subset of Arcana
Because I am a student of Researcher Fisiana.
My weapon is a blaster made of onyx not obsidian,
I am the very model of a scientist Lucidian...
Unknown2012-01-03 05:39:07
Well, the Halli song is writing itself.

Someone do Gaudi's.
Revan2012-01-03 05:45:14
I drink beer because it's good.
I drink beer because I should
If there was a song to sing
I sing it and beer you bring

I drink beer when I am sad
Cuz the beer, it makes me glad
Now there's nothing left to sing, so let's go drink beer.

Rivius2012-01-03 05:51:14
Actually, let's NOT give them timewarp/tempinsanity, thanks.
Unknown2012-01-03 05:53:02
Just saying, but cacos do plague affs (Mag's theme), harbs do bleed-related stuff (Glom's theme), and even starhymn does light-related stuff (Celest's theme).

It wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination!
Saran2012-01-03 05:53:36
I was going to go with

Do, the stuff that buys my beer.
Re, the guy that buys my beer.
Me, the guy that drinks my beer.
Fa, the distance from my beer.
So, I think I'll have a beer.
La, la la la la la beer.
Ti, no thanks I'll have a beer.
Which brings us back to do, do, do, do
Revan2012-01-03 05:56:14
Also a classy choice
Malarious2012-01-03 06:01:47

Are you freaking kidding me? Shamanism required dumping our entire weather system and redoing it from scratch. It was a MASSIVE project (though admittedly players may never realize how much work it was). But, trust me, no skill needed redoing whole areas of code more than Shamanism... and you can thank our Iosai for that!


I think he meant client side, for curing systems.

...well, I hope he did.

What he said. And oh my god I didnt even think about that... you had to recode everything >_< I meant changing curing, I have already been told by several people we have hugely complex curing compared to the others, last streamline we tried to get rid of affs.

As for what the bards will be like I had some thoughts. Hallifax may be the next "bardians" bards that do better treated as guardians like cantors are (if you doubt that, play cantors are reliant on aeon and use soulless).

Gaudiguch I am kind of hoping for almost crazy. Really powerful offense but self damaging or self detrimental. Like....

Stanza ????

By imbuing your song with the Crimson Eyes favor you will bring your enemies down more swiftly but at the expense of your sobriety. The drunker you become the stronger your music, even when draining mana and ego! Be warned that you will not become sober when this song ends, but this is also a great way to celebrate in mass!

Just something I thought of talkin to people!
Eritheyl2012-01-03 08:27:46
Oh god so excited.

I hope we do end up getting harps, since...y'know. Our resident possessed dwarf has one.

Unknown2012-01-03 16:32:55

I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade - but I am concerned that with the release of the new guilds our tiny playerbase is going to be even further spread out . This makes me sad. Having said that... this means Gaudiguch/Hallifax will finally get their bard guards too, right?
Ileein2012-01-03 16:47:24
These are Hallifax and Gaudiguch's bard guilds, and there aren't any new guilds aside from those. So... yes?
Unknown2012-01-03 17:38:27
Gaudi's theme should be little brown jug...

Yo-ho-ho you and me, little brown jug how I love thee!
Yo-ho-ho you and me, little brown jug how I love thee!
Tis you who makes me friends and foes, tis you who makes me wear old clothes!
Here you are, so near my nose, tip her up and down she goes!