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Public News Post #1873


Written by: Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph
Date: Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Dearest Magnagora,

Once upon a time, there was some discord in Hallifax, over the possibility of allying with your city. One Board member in particular struggled to overcome a long history, and somehow, it happened.

Your recent actions have proven that every doubt the Collective has ever had about your suitability as an ally were not only entirely founded in reality, they were completely underestimated. You have deliberately sabotaged us, in your quest for domination, and you have forgotten the times when we had to hold your hand through aetherflares, through villages, and assist you in attaining anything.

But that is all well and good. We have tired of your petty, self-serving acts as 'allies', and we wash our hands of you. We would prefer to be friendless and without allies than suffer another day of pretending that your city actually cares about anything but your own vanity and gloating over anyone and everyone else.

We will be happy to prove that the Higher Emotions of Love, Beauty, Truth, Honour - and especially Altruism - will triumph over the baser urges of your smog-choked people.

With all due respect,
The Board of Directors of the Collective of Hallifax

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Urlachmar, in the year 564 CE.

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