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Public News Post #1853


Written by: Prince Minkahmet D'Varden
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Addressed to: Toshiko Zayah

Well this one is rather easy... I would like to ask in response, what were the exact words that came out of my mouth to -you- specifically that I accused you of? I would like to know them word for word. For as far as I'm concerned, you're confusing me with someone else who accused you of something that wasn't proven and just merely tattling, like the letter that was sent to me that you somehow knew was sent to me when you spoke with me about it. Did I pursue it? Not in the least, because again there's not enough evidence to accuse you of anything. So, until you can tell me exactly what I said to you that -I- accused you of, your findings are false. If anything, they were simply reported to me and passed along to your leadership. I do apologize that you felt wronged, but again you are placing blame on the wrong person of falsely accusing you of something. So it would be much better spent on your current appointment as a guild leader and how you can expand and improve it rather than stir in the fog of wrongly accusing me of something I didn't accuse you of and you can't quote me word for word to you.

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Roarkian, in the year 534 CE.

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