Scene 1: On Avechna's Peak -------------------------- Scenery: Against the black backdrop of the stage, a spotlight shines down to illuminate a well-worn and winding mountain path that widens into a natural plateau. Stark blue light radiates from the ragged edges of a strange rift in the sky, naught but the Void visible beyond it. Cast: Isune, the Aesthete, a radiant immortal Darvellan, the Navigator, a radiant immortal Maylea, Bloom of Serenity, a radiant immortal Hiureth, the Void-Mad, a half-formed Shibale, a moon-touched banshee a shadowy figure a luminescent, skull-like visage a great crowd of adventurers, none of whom are terribly important -------------------------------- Cold blue light pours down from a rift in the sky above, casting a stark light on a mountain path in the middle of the dark stage. The scene resolves further to reveal an indistinct crowd in the center of the stage, though the backdrop and wings remain in darkness. Standing tall and proud, DARVELLAN stares up at the rift, ISUNE just behind His shoulder. The light around the rift flares brilliantly, washing out the stage for a moment but doing nothing to illuminate the dark of the Void beyond the rift. Two figures tumble through the rift as the light fades, limbs flailing as they fall towards the ground. DARVELLAN and ISUNE rise up, sweeping one of the tumbling forms away from the other before they hit the ground. They take a protective stance around the figure of MAYLEA as She recovers. HIURETH manages to right himself before crashing into the mountainside and the gathered watchers below. He cackles and then begins to speak, his words fuzzy and indistinct. The stark blue light of the stage grows more intense, washing out the figures below, though they can still be made out as DARVELLAN and ISUNE both seem to slump, the buzz of HIURETH's words still wrapping around them. The rift stands out against the light, the only thing on the stage still visible in sharp relief. A thin tendril of fog drifts through the rift, slowly descending towards the mountain. DARVELLAN and ISUNE begin to drift downwards, while HIURETH's muffled cackle echoes around the stage. The fog slowly drifts down to the mountain and begins to creep along it, as if searching. MAYLEA is just barely visible through the strange light as She stands stall, a great bow in Her hand. A dark figure drops from the rift above and disappears into the fog. A shout echoes across the stage and the scene returns to focus under a warmer, yellow light as the rift above snaps closed and an arrow flies from MAYLEA's bow, piercing the form of HIURETH. The crowd raises a cheer as they surround MAYLEA and the other two Divine, offering Them jubilant congratulations, heedless of the fog that swirls around them. The crowd slowly dissipates, small groups accompanying DARVALLEN and ISUNE as They depart to the southwest and southeast. MAYLEA gives those gathered around Her a fond smile, then begins to lead them to the west, leaving nothing but the empty, fog-covered mountain trail beyond. As the last of the group vanishes, the slight figure of a banshee allows the woman she is following to pull ahead, pausing to stand alone at the edge of the stage. SHIBALE looks around the silent mountainside, her breathing echoing in the silence of the theater and stirring the tendrils of fog that rise around her. FIGURE dashes through the fog just behind SHIBALE, its passing ruffling her clothes. SHIBALE spins around, staring at the fog behind her. FIGURE darts in front of SHIBALE, one hand outstretched to brush against her hair and send it dancing around her before it disappears back into the fog. SHIBALE turns back around, the beginning of a small moan building in her throat. FIGURE rises up out of the mist behind SHIBALE, slowly drawing itself up until it towers over her. SHIBALE freezes, her gaze staring out over the audience, even her breath held in her stillness. FIGURE slowly steps backwards, drawing itself out of the reach of the lights that shine down on the mountain scene, into the darkness of the backdrop behind it. As its dark form blends into the shadows, the pale green and white streaks of a sulfurous, luminescent paint appear in the dark, outlining a laughing, skull-like visage. SHIBALE's eyes slide to the left, trying to glimpse behind her without moving. VISGAGE moves behind SHIBALE's right shoulder, watching her with apparent glee. SHIBALE gasps and looks over her right shoulder, VISAGE whisking to her left as she does with a high-pitched giggle. Her breathing audible, SHIBALE slowly turns her to look over her left shoulder. VISAGE giggles again as SHIBALE stares straight into it. SHIBALE screams and rises into the air before fleeing across the mountain to the south, the fog swirling and dancing behind her as she does. With one last shriek of mirth, VISGAE turns sharply away and disappears into blackness, leaving only the fog-covered mountain side. The lights slowly fade to black. ------- Scene 2: Within the Ethereal Glomdoring --------------------------------------- Scenery: Twisting trees weave skillfully about each other forming a visual illusion that entrances the eye and confuses the mind, setting the pathway skittering about as if it is some living thing. A triangular grouping of pine trees seems to be the only landmark that doesn't shift in every breath of the wind. New Characters: Lhiannan Shee-Slaugh, Queen of the Slaugh Nightsworn Branna, a night-sworn slaugh a daughter of shadows --------------------------------- Light returns to the center of the stage, revealing now the thick, dark growth of the Ethereal Glomdoring. LHIANNAN stands in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by several attendant daughters of darkness. LHIANNAN murmurs to DAUGHTER, gesturing to an unseen area of the Forest as she does so. SHIBALE bursts from the foliage, her flight scattering leaves and branches about her in her haste. DAUGHTER steps forward and imposes herself between SHIBALE and LHIANNAN. SHIBALE drops to the ground, panting with exhaustion as she kneels. SHIBALE, as soon as she gains her breath: An audience with the Queen! Please, I seek an audience with the Queen of the Slaugh! LHIANNAN waives aside DAUGHTER, who steps back. LHIANNAN: What brings you to me, banshee? Are you so eager to serve your tah'vrai to Mother Night? SHIBALE: No! LHIANNAN frowns. SHIBALE: Queen Lhiannan, I already serve in the north, I'm bound to the Moon-- DAUGHTER steps forward again. LHIANNAN: Fool. Those who seek to bring her influence here deserve their fates. SHIBALE: Please! Queen Lhiannan, my Queen, I come not on her behalf, but on behalf of all His children! LHIANNAN inhales sharply. LHIANNAN advances towards SHIBALE, brushing aside the daughter of shadows. LHIANNAN, anger mixing with disdain in her tone: You would invoke Him? You who bore so little of His mark that the Maeve embraced you, the Elders never questioned you? You who willingly serves those who despise His children, you would dare call me your Queen and invoke Him? The glade falls silent as LHIANNAN finishes speaking. SHIBALE bends forward beneath LHIANNAN's anger, touching her forehead to the ground. SHIBLAE, in a whisper: I do. LHIANNAN narrows her eyes. SHIBALE: My Queen, my cousin, I felt Him! I saw Him! He is here. He has returned! LHIANNAN makes a noise of disgust and turns away. LHIANNAN, to DAUGHTER: Take her. What wits she had the Moon has addled. She did not serve her tah'vrai to Mother Night, so let her blood serve to feed Mother Night's forest instead. SHIBALE: My Queen, I know who I serve. Why would I come if this were not true? LHIANNAN ignores the banshee. DAUGHTER leans forward and grabs SHIBALE by the hair, pulling her head up. She raises a wickedly curved athame high. SHIBALE: Queen Lhiannan! This is my tah'vrai to the Night! This is my tah'vrai to all His children! This message is how I must serve! LHIANNAN raises one hand without turning, and DAUGHTER pauses. LHIANNAN: What reason could He have for revealing Himself to you? What use could you serve? SHIBALE: This use, my Queen. Only this! I have seen, I have told. I must make you believe! LHIANNAN turns around and strides over to SHIBALE, leaning over to stare into her face while DAUGHTER holds her still. LHIANNAN: You may make me do nothing, little banshee. LHIANNAN gives the faintest of amused smiles. LHIANNAN: But you think this your tah'vrai? You defy your bond to the Moon to seek this? SHIBALE closes her eyes as she says: Yes. LHIANNAN laughs. LHIANNAN: Very well. We will let you serve. Speak. SHIBALE: On the Mountains, when the Aesthete and the Navigator tore a rift into the Void there was a chill. LHIANNAN: A chill. SHIBALE: And a fog, and in it, I saw a face. LHIANNAN: A chill and a face? Did He speak to you? What message do you have for me? SHIBALE: I- None. But it felt... it was Him. I'm certain. LHIANNAN sneers. LHIANNAN: A poor messenger, with so little to say. SHIBALE slumps in DAUGHTER's grip. SHIBALE, mumbling: I know what I saw. LHIANNAN regards the banshee thoughtfully for a long moment then looks up at the shadowy branches above them. LHIANNAN: Mother Night's presence permeates this place. As do the wills of the Lady of Thorns and the Silent Lord. Perhaps He has no desire to first approach us here. LHIANNAN: But there are those whom He might seek out. You shall travel to the Wydyr, to the Dowager Shee-Slaugh and Rhianna Shee-Slaugh. See if they have news of His return, and bring it here to me. SHIBALE, in a whisper: I do not know the way. LHIANNAN sighs in annoyance. She turns to the forest and sings a soft song that echoes across the stage. A slim slaugh steps out from between the trees and bows deeply to LHIANNAN. BRANNA: I come in answer to your call, my Queen. LHIANNAN: I have a task for you. LHIANNAN, glancing at the dejected form of SHIBALE as she continues: This banshee has a mission she must complete for me in the Wydyr. Take her there, and then bring her back to me. BRANNA bows to LHIANNAN in acknowledgement and turns to SHIBALE. DAUGHTER releases SHIBALE, and the banshee slumps to the ground. She stays there a moment before gathering herself to slowly stand. BRANNA watches SHIBALE, her expression growing doubtful as she does. BRANNA: Well then, come, cousin. Let us fulfill the Queen's wishes. BRANNA gestures for SHIBALE to follow her as she strides out of the glade and into the darkness surrounding it. SHIBALE casts one last look at LHIANNAN before she fellows BRANNA, disappearing into the darkness. LHIANNAN flicks her fingers as DAUGHTER returns to her original position by LHIANNAN's side. She tilts her head closely to LHIANNAN's as she and the Queen resume their earlier conversation. The shadows lingering between the trees slowly spread out and overcome to the rest of the scene, leaving the stage dark. -------------------- Scene 3: Within the Wydyr Glade ------------------------------- Scenery: Spot lights illuminate three distinct sections of the stage. A blackthorn thicket stands at the center of the stage. Delicate white flowers line the branches, giving it an air of privacy and not-quite hiding the many wicked thorns that nestle amongst them. A cave like tumble of rocks stands at stage right. Roots crawl through this secluded cave, water dripping down them and the stone walls. The area is clearly a nest, and bones and splatters of dried blood line it. Part of the Wydyr Glade stands on stage left. Thick brush covers the ground in a layer of evergreen and brown. Dagger-like thorns spot the branches of the brush and dried blood clearly evident upon their tips. New Characters: Shelagh Shee-Slaugh, Dowager of the Slaugh Rhianna Shee-Slaugh, daughter of Queen Lhiannan Cythrawl Scathach, a redcap a barghest a squonk another crowd of adventurers, who are still largely not important ------------------------------------- The stage is dark for a long moment, then spot lights rise on the middle of the stage and on both sides, each illuminating a different area of the Wydyr. At center stage stands a thicket of blackthorn trees covered in white blossoms. To the left part of the Wydyr woods sit in a pool of light and to the right wait a cave-like tangle of rock and tree roots. The lights dim over all but the Wydyr woods. BRANNA and SHIBALE slip in between the trees, causing a riot of fireflies to swirl about them. BRANNA, disbelief evident in her tone: You came all the way from the north and disturbed the Queen for that? SHIBALE: I know what I saw. BRANNA, disdainfully: A fog and a face. Very compelling. SHIBALE simply shrugs and looks around. BARGHEST slinks out of the trees and sniffs at SHIBALE, growling softly. SHIBALE jumps, hovering uncertainly in the air. BARGHEST turns to look at BRANNA, who shrugs and gives a slight grimace. BRANNA, to BARGHEST: The Queen wishes her to speak with the Dowager. BARGHEST growls again. BRANNA frowns. BRANNA: What do you mean, a disturbance in the Glade? A faeling and a trill rush by, their faces blurred and indistinct, their talk too quick and garbled to make sense of. BARGHEST snaps at the ankle of the trill as she passes, growling in annoyance. BRANNA and SHIBALE both step back as more forms rush by, talking quickly to themselves. BRANNA: Squonks in the Wydyr? This can't be, they've not been seen since-- SHIBALE: I knew it! SHIBALE darts forward, pushing her way between an orclach and a pair of humans to do so. BRANNA hisses in annoyance and darts after her. BARGHEST grumbles under its breath and settles down where it is, just so happening to trip up an elfen who wasn't looking closely. The lights dim over the forest and brighten over the blackthorn thicket, RHIANNA and SHELAGH now both present. Mortal figures cluster around the pair, almost all indistinct in both appearance and voice. As one individual or another presses forward to speak, their appearance and voices become clear for a moment before fading into the throng once more. An elfen shouts, "Rhianna, what do you know about these squonks?" RHIANNA: What are you going on about? A faeling says, "Rhianna, there's a strange fog!" SHIBALE: Ah-hah! BRANNA frowns. A faeling continues, "A fog has covered the Caoimhe dell and a putrid stench has filled the air. Do you know what is happening?" RHIANNA, disimissively: What do I care for the Dell and its problems? They are hardly our concern. SHELAGH cackles to herself. "Then you are behind this?" the elfen accuses. RHIANNA: We have nothing to do with this. A faeling interrupts with, "Rhianna, we have word that the squonks have returned." RHIANNA, with a frown: The squonks have slept for many years. The elfen says, "Then why are they awake now?" SHIBALE: It's our Father! He's com-mph! BRANNA glares at SHIBALE and does not move the hand she has clamped over SHIBALE's mouth. Ignoring SHIBALE, the elfen continues, "What have you done?" SHIBALE, twisting free of BRANNA's hand: They haven't done anything, aren't you listening? BRANNA clamps her hand more firmly over SHIBALE's mouth as she hisses into her ear: He is none of their business! SHIBALE exclaims something from behind BRANNA's hand. BRANNA: If it even is Him. RHIANNA, to the gathered crowd: We have done nothing. What would the elfen in the Dell even know of the matter? None of them have seen a squonk. None of them could have. Sounding baffled, an elfen asks, "Why not?" A faeling follows with, "How does one see squonks?" RHIANNA laughs. RHIANNA: If that is what you wish, may you take what pleasure you can in your attempts! Perhaps Cythrawl will be willing to aid you. The mortals move towards the door, their faces and forms growing indistinct again as they push past BRANNA and SHIBALE and exit. BRANNA slowly lowers her hand. SHIBALE: Why did you stop me? I have a message- BRANNA, interrupting: One meant for the Queen's daughter and the Dowager. Not all mortaldom! RHIANNA rests a hand on SHIBALE's shoulder, causing the banshee to jump. RHIANNA: A message I now wish to hear. Speak, cousin. What do you mean about our Father? A thick mist begins to trickle in the door. SHIBALE looks up at RHIANNA as she begins: I--on the Mountains, in the fog, I felt Him, I swear. SHELAGH, fixing her sightless gaze on SHIBALE: You felt our Father? Are you certain? SHIBALE raises her chin. SHIBALE: I am. RHIANNA: And you bring this news here? SHIBALE: I brought the news to Queen Lhiannan. She, she doubts my words, and so commanded that I seek you out and see if you had any news of Him. The mist slowly thickens around them. RHIANNA and SHELAGH exchange looks. BRANNA stares down thoughtfully into the mist. SHELAGH: Squonks stirring, a tang in the air... In the darkness behind SHELAGH's shoulder, the glowing mask of VISAGE appears again, watching intently. RHIANNA: But still, after all these years? SHELAGH: Others survived. He would not have perished. SHIBALE: Please, it is Him! Can you not feel it? RHIANNA and SHELAGH both turn to look at SHIBALE, and VISAGE does as well. SHIBALE looks pleadingly up at RHIANNA, then at SHELAGH. SHIBALE cries out. SHIBALE: He's here! He's here! VISAGE disappears, and a ripple in the fog shoots out the door. SHIBALE, wildly: He's gone! We must go, we must! SHIBALE dashes out the door. RHIANNA turns to Branna. BRANNA: I will follow her. RHIANNA nods. SHELAGH holds up one hand. SHELAGH: Wait. We must know more of these events, but that does not mean we need to play the same games as mortals to gather information. Let Him, if He is indeed the source of these events, lead them on whatever merry chase He pleases. BRANNA: What would you have me do? SHELAGH cackles. SHELAGH: Blind I may be, but when have any of His children needed the aid mortals do to see each other? Go. Look. Tell us what you find. The lights dim on the blackthorn thicket and raise on the Wydyr forest. The mist clings thickly to the trees of the Wydyr, bringing a false night that fireflies flick through listlessly. SHIBALE darts through the trees, coming up short as she comes across a well trampled path and stares about herself wildly. In the darkness behind the trees, VISAGE appears and watches. SHIBALE: Where? Where are You, please! The mists ripple again, and SHIBALE darts off after it and out of the lit area. VISAGE watches SHIBALE depart. BRANNA glides into the center of the trees. She too stops and looks around, though her gaze is calm and thoughtful as she reaches out one hand to stir the fog about her. The fog ripples and stirs beneath BRANNA's hand, then slowly parts to reveal the lumpy, wrinkled form of a SQUONK. VISAGE turns sharply to watch BRANNA. BRANNA: There you are. SQUONK makes a low, mournful sound. BRANNA kneels before SQUONK, heedless of the puddle made by its thick, oil tears, and rests one hand on its head. BRANNA, in a soothing, hypnotic tone: Peace, cousin. Do you not know me, know my kind? SQUONK wails again. BRANNA: Of course we are still here. We are His children. We could not be caged forever. VISAGE slips behind a pair of trees closer to the slaugh and the squonk. BRANNA: And now you have joined us. Why are you here, cousin? SQUONK burbles as it presses against BRANNA. BRANNA, with a frown: Who? Who asked this of you? VISAGE winks out of its previous location and reappears just over BRANNA's shoulder. SQUONK wails and bolts into the Forest, and VISAGE vanishes. BRANNA starts to her feet. She takes several steps after SQUONK, then stops and slowly turns to examine the area, clearly thoughtful. A giggle echoes around the clearing. BRANNA stills, watching intently. VISAGE appears in the darkness behind BRANNA for a moment, then vanishes again. The lights fade around BRANNA and the Wydyr trees even as they brighten over the cave-like tangle of roots and stone. A crowd of indistinct, chattering mortals surrounded CYTHRAWL. A large faeling with SQUONK tucked beneath his arm strides through the crowd which parts before his slightly unsteady steps. SHIBALE flits along in his wake, her presence largely ignored. The faeling reaches CYTHRAWL and places SQUONK before him. SHIBALE settles on the ground beside SQUONK. CYTHRAWL: Yes, yes! Stick it there, we will look at it! Squonks here for all to smell! CYTHRAWL cackles madly. SHIBALE, whispering to the squonk: Please! Why are you here? Who woke you? Was it Him? A tendril of fog taps SHIBALE on the shoulder. SHIBALE looks up and around. The fog twists up around CYTHRAWL, seeping into his mouth and nose. SHIBALE: Oh no. This feels bad. SQUONK sits up and suddenly begins to let loose a terrible wailing. The crowd presses closer to the squonk. CYTHRAWL gives a cry and lashes out at those closest to him. The crowd roars and weapons are drawn, the crowd quickly turning into a mob that descends on CYTHRAWL. SHIBALE crawls out from between the legs of the combatants. Once free she darts up into the air and looks down as the fight quickly turns against CYTHRAWL. SHIBALE, moaning: You're here, You're here, but why? Why this? The fog ripples and blows about SHIBALE, sending her hair dancing. SHIBALE shivers and wraps her arms around herself, while below the melee breaks up, naught but steaks of blood left behind from CYTHRAWL. The bloody cave of roots and stone and SHIBALE are hidden by darkness as the stage lights go down, and once again the central light on the blackthorn thicket comes up. BRANNA enters the thicket and bows deeply before RHIANNA and SHELAGH. SHELAGH, looking up: She's returned? RHIANNA: Yes, aunt, she has returned. SHELAGH stands and approaches BRANNA. SHELAGH: Tell us all. VISAGE appears in the darkness behind the scenery. BRANNA: The squonks stir throughout the Wydyr. They are confused, so much has changed since they were put to sleep, but they are determined to fulfill their orders. RHIANNA: What orders? BRANNA: The orders they always had, my Lady. To confuse and confound His enemies, to draw them away from His real targets. RHIANNA: His enemies? What enemies would He find among His children? VISAGE drifts closer to RHIANNA. SHELAGH: These orders, where they old or where they new? BRANNA: I don't know. The squonks did not even understand why I asked who woke them and who gave them their orders. SHELAGH leans forward intently, her sightless eyes turned to BRANNA. SHELAGH, in a hoarse voice: Who? Who gave them these orders? RHIANNA: These orders cannot be from Him. We are not His enemies. SHELAGH: Who? BRANNA: They could not say. As soon as I asked, they fled from me as if they expected the Soulless themselves to follow after them! SHELAGH settles back, her expression both exultant and stern. RHIANNA, shaking her head: No, it cannot be! SHELAGH: It is possible. RHIANNA: No, I don't believe it! The fog swirls about the room as several indistinct mortals rush in, the faeling in the lead. VISAGE disappears from view. RHIANNA stands tall and faces the mortals. RHIANNA: No. There is a simple, peaceful solution for all this. BRANNA stares at the fog swirling around the blackthorn trees. RHIANNA: I shall put the squonks back to sleep. Go, bring me the berries from the nightshade bush. SHELAGH reaches out, her hand landing on BRANNA's shoulder with perfect precision as she draws the slaugh away from the knot of adventurers. SHELAGH: Do you believe? BRANNA watches as the mortals depart again in a flurry of noise and debate BRANNA, softly: I do. RHIANNA looks over at SHELAGH and BRANNA with a frown. SHELAGH simply smiles. RHIANNA considers SHELAGH and BRANNA, then absently brushes away the tendrils of fog the trail along her arms. SHIBALE flies in, landing before RRHIANNA and managing a hasty curtsey between her panting breaths. SHIBALE: There really are squonks! But no one will listen to me, they've all run off again! I couldn't catch one of them! RHIANNA holds up one hand. RHIANNA: Rest. We know enough. I will not have all the mortals of the Basin tearing through the Wydyr over a few nuisances. The squonks shall return to their sleep. SHIBALE: What? That's it? RHIANNA: That is all. SHIBALE looks helplesly at BRANNA. BRANNA gives a small shrug. The clamor and clatter of the mortals disrupts the silence as they return, brushing past BRANNA and SHELAGH as they shout indistinctly at RHIANNA. RHIANNA: It will not bloom? No! They shall sleep, keep trying. The fog that has been trailing around RHIANNA suddenly surges toward her, enveloping her limbs and hardening into ice. RHIANNA gasps in shock. RHIANNA: See the harm they bring! Slay them, slay the squonks! BRANNA: No! SHELAGH lays a restraining hand on BRANNA's arm. The buzz of noise from the gathered mortals raises in pitch, and swords and cudgels have clearly been drawn. SHIBALE, in a whisper: No, no, this is terrible. The crowd begins to spread out and disappears into the darkness of the stage. SHIBALE: We can't let this happen! SHIBALE raises into the air and follows the mortals as they leave. BRANNA looks after the departed SHIBALE, then to the encased RHIANNA, then finally into SHELAGH's sightless eyes. From the darkness comes the distant sound of ringing steal, battle cries, and a strange, high wailing. SHELAGH, quietly to BRANNA: You believe it is Him. Do you mean to meddle in His plan? The fog twines around their feet. BRANNA: No. No, but I- SHELAGH: We were all made to be His soldiers. Do you think they are unwilling to die for His plan? BRANNA shakes her head. The fog swirls and dances about them. SHELAGH: They confuse and distract. Let them do their duty. The muffled sounds of battle begin to fade. SHELAGH: Go to the entrance. Tell me what what you see. BRANNA moves just to the edge of the shadows. BRANNA: The squonks are being overrun. The mist - it's gathering by the well. SHELAGH holds out one hand as if feeling for the fog she cannot see. SHELAGH: Is it, now? VISAGE appears behind her shoulder for a moment, then disappears into the fog as it slowly begins to gather into a single cloud. SHIBALE lands in front of BRANNA. SHIBALE: Branna! How can you just stand there? RHIANNA gasps as the ice enshrouding her cracks and falls away. The gathered cloud of fog darts past BRANNA, straight into SHIBALE. SHIBALE cries out and falls to the ground. The fog continues on, disappearing off the stage. SHELAGH, to BRANNA: Go. Take her back to the Queen. Tell her what we have learned. BRANNA nods. BRANNA bends down and pulls SHIBALE to her feet and nods to SHELAGH. BRANNA disappears into the darkness, taking SHIBALE with her. RHIANNA: Aunt? Aunt, what's happening? What's going? The stage fades into darkness as the lights dim. --------------------- Scene 4: Return to the Ethereal Glomdoring ------------------------------------------ Scenery: As before New Characters: Glumki Thorneye, King of the Redcaps Gwyllgi, the Dog of Darkness Crow, a Great Spirit -------------------------------------- Light slowly begins to filter through the trees that now cover the stage, revealing a glade in Ethereal Glomdoring at dusk. The weak light just barely illuminates the Avatars of Mother Night, gathered around two smaller figures. SHIBALE sits curled on the ground, mumbling to herself. SHIBALE: It's time, it's time, can't you hear Him? LHIANNAN watches SHIBALE with cold intent, a faint curl to her lips. LHIANNAN: Then she tells the truth? BRANNA: I believe so. The Dowager does as well. SHIBALE: May I go? I must go! LHIANNAN, ignoring SHIBALE's outburst: Then it is true. GWYLLGI: We are all beginning to feel His presence. GLUMKI: Ha! And soon everyone will know of His return! SHIBALE begins to crawl out of the clearing, but DAUGHTER moves to block her way. LHIANNAN: Do you think He will be pleased to find His children serving another? GLUMKI frowns, hands twisting his red cap as he thinks. LHIANNAN: Or are you looking forward to choosing between serving Mother Night and serving Him? GWYLLGI: Such a choice cannot be made. LHIANNAN: It must be. GWYLLGI: Unless He came to the Wyrd. LHIANNAN's eyes blaze as she considers GWYLLGI. SHIBALE attempts to lunge past DAUGHTER, only to be caught firmly. LHIANNAN, turning back to SHIBALE: And where are you trying to flee to? SHIBALE: North, I must go north, you must let me go! LHIANNAN, with clear disgust: You learn of this news, and you wish to return to your Seren masters? SHIBALE: No, no, not the forest! Not into the trees, into the cold and ice and fog! I must go north! GWYGLLI: And what do you seek in such a place? GLUMKI: Sounds just about right for our old brother the Frost Spite! LHIANNAN: Yes. Yes, it does, doesn't it? And so He calls in His children. Will we answer? Branches and leaves rustle as CROW settles himself on a nearby tree, peering down at those gathered. GWYLLGI barks a greeting. GLUMKI waves his bloodied cap in greeting, just barely managing to lower it again before CROW's beak clacks shut over where it was. SHIBALE: He calls! He calls us, can't you hear it! LHIANNAN closes her eyes, and the shadows around her deepen, twining around her protectively. GWYLLGI: He must come here, to be freed of the chains of the Soulless. LHIANNAN: He will only come when His anger that we do not come to Him demands actions. CROW gives a ringing caw. LHIANNAN smiles slowly. LHIANNAN: Yes. Of course. That is when He will come, but we can see that that moment comes all the sooner. LHIANNAN turns to SHIBALE. LHIANNAN: You! You shall go north. You shall find our Father, and enter His service. SHIBALE: Yes, I go! I go! LHIANNAN nods to DAUGHTER, who releases SHIBALE. SHIBALE draws herself to her feet and teaches off between the trees. LHIANNAN, to BRANNA: And you. You shall follow her. LHIANNAN leans forward and presses a kiss to BRANNA's forehead. The shadows that were swirling about her stream towards BRANNA, swarming over her form and at last coalescing into a single black star at the base of her throat. LHIANNAN: And you, by the will of Mother Night, will return to us. GLUMKI begins to laugh a harsh, coarse laugh. GLUMKI: Aye, that'll bring His anger home! BRANNA raises one hand to touch the black start at her throat. BRANNA: I understand, my Queen. BRANNA bows deeply to LHIANNAN, then to GLUMKI and GWYLLGI. BRANNA leaves, following the path SHIBALE took. LHIANNAN turns back to GWYLLGI, GLUMKI and CROW, gesturing them closer to speak as the lights fade and the stage goes dark. -------------------- Scene 5: Upon Mount Wend ------------------------ Scenery: Bare rock covered by ice and snow makes this mountain pass treacherous, with no signs of warmth or life to soften its harsh whites and greys. New Characters: Manteekan, the Terror, a radiant immortal --------------------------------- Wind howls through the theater as a pale white light splits the darkness, revealing a bleak, snow covered mountain side shrouded in fog. SHIBALE pushes her way up the mountain, panting heavily and body bent forward against the force of the wind. SHIBALE: I'm here! I've come! What do you want of me? An eerie chuckle echoes across the mountain. Slowly the fog gathers up, forming an igasho-sized pillar with VISAGE within. SHIBALE, with a gasp: Father! Within the fog the form of MANTEEKAN solidifies. SHIBALE throws herself to her knees. MANTEEKAN giggles to Himself. MANTEEKAN: So you are the first of those nestled so comfortably among these pitiful part-gods to answer my call. MANTEEKAN reaches forward and lifts SHIBALE's chin with one long, pale finger so that He can peer at her face. MANTEEKAN: And where did you come to Me from? SHIBALE: I-I serve in the Serenwilde Forest. MANTEEKAN, moving His finger to stroke it along SHIBALE's cheek: Serve? And why does one of My children serve anyone? SHIBALE: They-they're good, Father. They keep nature safe, they're the last Forest untouched by the Soul- SHIBALE breaks off, flushing. MANTEEKAN: Do go on, child. SHIBALE, swallowing before she continues: Untouched by the Soulless. MANTEEKAN, continuing to pet SHIBALE's cheek: And is that so terrible, to be touched by the Soulless? SHIBALE swallows again, but says nothing. MANTEEKAN: My, what conversations you must have had with your brothers and sisters over the years. Or did you? MANTEEKAN leans close to SHIBALE, who stares at Him as if entranced. MANTEEKAN: I've found many of the prisons They forced My children into. But you, you don't have the scent of confinement on you. MANTEEKAN cups SHIBALE's chin and lifts her face towards His, until she is forced to balance on the tips of her toes. MANTEEKAN: Why is that, child? Did you deny Me? Did you renounce your own Father? SHIBALE: No! MANTEEKAN releases SHIBALE, who drops back to her knees. MANTEEKAN: Then why were you so favoured? Did you turn on your kin? Did you tell Them the truth about all My children, about my grimalkin and my wendigo? SHIBALE: No! No, they just said that we were different! The banshee did not betray you! They-they've been kind to us. MANTEEKAN giggles again, the sound cracking and skittering across the mountain side. MANTEEKAN: Kind to you? Then why have you come here? SHIBALE: You called. You called, and I came. MANTEEKAN: And so you have found Me. Well done, child. And what do you want to do now? SHIBALE: I. I don't know. What do you want of me? MANTEEKAN smiles broadly at SHIBALE. MANTEEKAN, practically cooing: Do you wish to return to your home? Do you wish to return to where they are kind? SHIBALE looks torn for a moment, then in a whisper: Yes. But I answered your call. What do you want me to do? MANTEEKAN, still cooing: Why, I want you to be happy, child. Go, return to your kind forest. MANTEEKAN reaches out and places one slim fingers between SHIBALE's eyes SHIBALE shudders as a thin coating of ice spreads across her skin from the point where MANTEEKAN's finger touches her. MANTEEKAN: But remember when you do, just Whose child you are. SHIBALE stands taller under the frost, then opens her mouth and gives a sharp, piercing wail that echoes of the mountain side and raises to join in the howling of the wind. MANTEEKAN smiles smugly. SHIBALE raises into the air, the wind whipping about her and whisking her off to the west. MANTEEKAN watches SHIBALE depart, then turns and looks across the mountain. MANTEEKAN: And are you going to come out now, my child? BRANNA emerges from behind one of the rocks and kneels before MANTEEKAN. MANTEEKAN paces forward and circles BRANNA. BRANNA, after taking a deep breath: Father, I come bearing the greetings of the Queen of the Slaugh, the King of the Redcaps, and the Dog of Darkness. MANTEEKAN giggles. MANTEEKAN: You have Kings and Queens of your own, now? BRANNA raises her chin. BRANNA: We had need. MANTEEKAN: Yes, locked away, and still you did so well! Still you thrived, like all My children should. MANTEEKAN: And have you come to ask Me for purpose as well, My child? BRANNA: No. MANTEEKAN cocks His head to one side, His interest clearly caught. MANTEEKAN: No? Are you certain, My child? Do you think the war over? Oh, but there are so many who have wronged Me, wouldn't you like to be given a purpose again? BRANNA reaches up to touch the star at her throat. BRANNA, voice strong and clear: No. I know my purpose. I've achieved what I came to do, and I know what I want to do now. MANTEEKAN stops His circling and focuses His attention on the star. BRANNA begins to slowly back away. MANTEEKAN watches BRANNA with a mixture of fascination and fury. MANTEEKAN: Do you indeed? BRANNA: Yes. BRANNA continues to back away, eyes never leaving MANTEEKAN. MANTEEKAN watches BRANNA with a crazed grin. MANTEEKAN: Ah, My child, My child! How thoroughly My child, so certain you are. BRANNA: Yes. BRANNA disappears back into the shadows cast by the icy rocks. MANTEEKAN: And how much you have to learn! A harsh blast of wind cuts down the mountain, sending fog whipping around the stage. MANTEEKAN's form is swallowed by the fog, and it rushes down the mountain as the lights on the stage go dark. ------------- Scene 6: The Mother Moonhart Tree --------------------------------- Scenery: Vibrant trees encircle a clearing full of warm sunlight. Pixies flit joyfully around the the Moonhart Tree in the center of the clearing. Characters: A crowd of adventurers who are even less important than usual --------------------------- Warm sunlight fills the stage, streaming through the broad leaves of the Moonhart Mother Tree. A cluster of indistinct figures gathers in groups around it, talking amongst themselves. SHIBALE stumbles into the clearing, her eyes glazed. An elfen steps forward, her features growing more distinct as she does. She looks at SHIBALE, then demands, "What's happened, are you alright?" SHIBALE stares at her, shivering. The druid steps closer to SHIBALE, who shrinks back from her. "She's covered in ice," the druid says, "It's that cursed fog, it must be stopped!" SHIBALE's features twist in anger, and an unearthly shriek escapes from her as she throws herself at those gathered, fingers crooked into claws. The sound of weapons being drawn echoes around the stage as it grows darker, leaving just the dark outline of the trees. A final shriek from SHIBALE rises in pitch, blending into a howling wind that slams through the theater. --------------------- Scene 7: The Glomdoring ----------------------- Scenery: Tall blackened trees dominate the stage, giving way to a clearing that is dominated by the Master Ravenwood at its centre. Moulds and fungi are smeared across the plants, their pungent stench suffusing the stage. A thin black mist creeps between the trees, hanging low across the ground. New Characters: Brultk Thornblood, the outcast spriggan caretaker Nocht, the Silent, a radiant immortal Viravain, Mistress of Webs, a radiant immortal An assortment of redcaps, barghests, and slaugh --------------------------------- A pale light returns though the winds do not die, revealing that the outlines of the trees are now great ravenwoods, with the Master Ravenwood standing at the edge of the stage. The wind continues to whip through the stage, tearing at branches and leaves and howling its anger. BRULTK stands on the far side of the stage opposite the Master Ravenwood, cackling madly to himself. The indistinct form of an armoured faeling rushes across the stage, joining a group of other mortals gathered near the stage. By her flurry of gestures, she is discussing something urgent, but nothing can be heard above the wind. BRULTK: Yes, scurry, scurry about! Prepare for the winter you see coming, what good will it do you! BRANNA enters from stage left, her footsteps hastened by the gale that pursues her from behind. A pool of darker shadows solidifies into the form of NOCHT. BRANNA bows deeply before NOCHT. NOCHT looks out across the stage into the wind, the gale whipping into His face though He does not blink or flinch. NOCHT smiles down at BRANNA and reaches out to touch one pale finger to the dark star at BRANNA's throat. When He removes His hand, He holds a thread of shadow, no thicker than a cobweb, which He gives to BRANNA. BRULTK, cackling in glee: Soon.... NOCHT slips into the shadows, appearing again beside the Master Ravenwood. Deep in the trees, a barghest lets out a warning howl. A slaugh calls out, "Now! Brother Crow's Lady and Mother Night's Lord have come! It is time!" BRANNA joins the tide of fae and mortals who flow towards the Master Ravenwood Tree as frost begins to form on the branches around them. VIRAVAIN steps through a glowing portal to stand beside NOCHT, and together they watch the oncoming storm. From within the howling winds high above, two glowing eyes open and sweep over the gathered fae, pausing a moment on BRANNA. BRANNA tightens her fist around the shadowy thread she holds behind her back. A bone rattling whisper carries over the howling winds, "Well, well, my children. Have you gathered to greet Me?" A susurration passes through the gathered dark fae, though none step forward. The glowing eyes turn to consider the God and Goddess below, before the whisper continues, "And an audience. Come to watch Me reclaim what is Mine, have You?" Slowly, the form of MANTEEKAN coalesces from the fog. A ripple passes through the gathered barghest, redcap and slaugh as they shift, and now a few step forward. MANTEEKAN descends to stand before NOCHT and VIRAVAIN. MANTEEKAN: And You, lovely Viravain, here to greet Me Yourself. VIRAVAIN looks down coyly. MANTEEKAN: I have come to see why MY children disobey My call. I will take what is Mine, little Viravain. One of the slaugh near BRANNA glances over at her sisters uncertainly. BRANNA places a firm hand on the other slaugh's shoulder. VIRAVAIN: Yours? MANTEEKAN, reaching out and stroking VIRAVAIN's cheek as He did with SHIBALE: Yes, Mine. All shall be Mine, soon enough. VIRAVAIN recoils from MANTEEKAN's touch. MANTEEKAN giggles. MANTEEKAN, learning in and placing His cool lips upon VIRAVAIN's cheek: Perhaps You shall join Me at My side, if You behave. VIRAVAIN drops the facade of shyness as She snorts in disgust and backhands MANTEEKAN. VIRAVAIN: Do not. Touch. ME! VIRAVAIN raises Her hand towards the branches of the Master Ravenwood, and a swarm of crows launches from the tree, diving for MANTEEKAN. MANTEEKAN casually bats the crows away, knocking them into the shadows beyond the lights on the stage. The slaugh that BRANNA holds shuffles again, and this time a barghest presses against her other side. MANTEEKAN: That is Your greeting? Pathetic, if You will not choose to behave, you will be made to! MANTEEKAN raises his hands and the mists swirl about Him before speeding towards NOCHT and VIRAVAIN, a thick haze that wraps around Them. NOCHT looks directly at the uncertain slaugh as the mists rises over Him, and she settles back, watching and waiting with her kin. VIRAVAIN twists against Her bonds. MANTEEKAN: There's no need to struggle. MANTEEKAN reaches out one bone-like finger and touches the haze. It ripples and flashes before freezing solid around NOCHT and VIRAVAIN. MANTEEKAN looks around at the gathered fae who watch Him from the trees and gives a thin, cold smile. MANTEEKAN: My children! Enough! Return to my side! MANTEEKAN rises up above the Forest, and gestures at the trees below Him. A barghest yelps in surprise as it is lifted from the ground, feet scrabbling at branches as it rises to join the swirling fog and mist surrounding MANTEEKAN. BRANNA releases the other slaugh, who immediately begins to rise in the air, streaking towards MANTEEKAN. BRANNA touches the star at her throat one more time before she too rises, joining the swirl of fog, power, and fae that surrounds MANTEEKAN. A great chorus of crows rises up from the darkness. BRANNA releases the near-invisible thread she holds, and the gesture is mimicked by all the fae. Released from their grasp, a web of shadows flashes with power and flies towards MANTEEKAN, wrapping about Him. MANTEEKAN cackles madly and the fog is full of shards of ice that whirl with Him, tearing through the web and raining down to rip through the canopy below. MANTEEKAN: Do you think you can defy Me? You are My children, Mine! All shall return to Me! The winds howl with MANTEEKAN and more dark fae are torn from the branches of the Forest. Shadows whip out from the canopy, wrapping around the fae and binding them to the Glomdoring. MANTEEKAN: By My side you shall be the great warriors you were meant to be! The dark fae begin to gather into groups, the shadows that hold them joining into long, whiplike tendrils. MANTEEKAN: All the First World shall witness true power again! The first of the shadows held by the fae slam into MANTEEKAN. MANTEEKAN: Do you still try to defy Me? MANTEEKAN attempts to brush away the shadows, which only cling tighter to Him. The fae spin around Him, no longer merely blown by the winds but dancing a fierce circle around Him that draws the shadows ever tighter. MANTEEKAN: Do you think any power rivals Mine? MANTEEKAN gestures and more ice forms to cut at the shadows. The shadows wrap around the ice as well, drawing it into the cocoon they are wrapping around MANTEEKAN. MANTEEKAN: No, NO! You are MINE! You will not do this! Below, a great crack splits the ice covering NOCHT, and He casually steps forth from the ice, brushing it off His shoulders. A web of cracks splinters the ice surrounding VIRAVAIN before its shatters, freeing Her. VIRAVAIN looks up to where MANTEEKAN is nearly obscured by the binding shadows. VIRAVAIN: Fool. The Wyrd does not rival Your power, it far suprasses it! The dark fae that surround MANTEEKAN's growing prison come to a halt in the air, holding firm as they watch, though the howling winds continue to tear at them. The shadows begin to pull MANTEEKAN back down towards the Glomdoring. MANTEEKAN struggles furiously against His bonds, breaking the grasp of a few. NOCHT raises one hand, and the shadows tighten, pulling MANTEEKAN down even farther. Thorn vines lash out from the Forest, strengthening the walls of MANTEEKAN's prison. MANTEEKAN: This will not be! MANTEEKAN freezes more shadows and thorns, but more simply take their places, binding Him in a prison of ice, shadow and thorn. VIRAVAIN: Oh, but it is, Manteekan! It is! And now, the Wyrd shall feast upon Your foolish bones! NOCHT opens a glittering portal with a gesture, and the prison of ice and thorn vanishes within. VIRAVAIN follows the prison through the portal with a cold, pleased smile on Her lips. NOCHT gestures, and both He and the portal vanish. The dark fae slowly descend, landing silently on the forest floor. BRANNA and the others look at each other for a long moment as the lights fade across the stage. ------------------ Scene 8: Return to the Ethereal Forest -------------------------------------- Scenery: An all-consuming frost creeps over every surface of this unnatural bore which digs deep into the heart of the forest. Overgrowth meets frost at the cave's entrance, each struggling to maintain their place. Deep within the cavern, a column of swirled ice rises high above, tangled about with thorned vines which grab at the structure as they intertwine over its frozen surface. A shadow of a form lies hidden within the centre of the frosty prison and haunting whispers fill the hazy air. New Costumes: Manteekan, the Nightmare, a radiant immortal ------------------------------------ A spotlight rises, illuminating a pillar of thorns and ice. The light slowly spreads, revealing both a gaggle of indistinct mortals and VIRAVAIN. VIRAVAIN: And what do You think of My Wyrd now, Manteekan? Soon enough it will have permeated You, and what is released when it has--We shall see. VIRAVAIN gives a smug smile, caressing Her scythe affectionately as She considers the pillar. The spotlight contracts to focus on the pillar again, and VIRAVAIN and the crowd fade from view. BRANNA slips in from the dark, the light reflecting from the pillar leaving her partly lit and partly in shadow. BRANNA kneels before the pillar. A soft whisper can be heard from within the pillar. MANTEEKAN: And so my children creep back to me now. What good to you think you will do Me now? BRANNA: I have already done all any of Your children could be asked to. MANTEEKAN: By betraying Me? BRANNA: By seeking always Your greater glory and strength. MANTEEKAN: And you think I shall find that in the Wyrd? BRANNA: Do You disagree? A rattling laugh echoes from within the pillar. MANTEEKAN: I do not. This Wyrd shall be interesting, my child. BRANNA: Yes, Father. MANTEEKAN: And do you think this excuses your choices? BRANNA: I chose, and so others need not. MANTEEKAN: And you accept the consequences of this choice? BRANNA raises her chin. BRANNA: The consequences are always acceptable, if the goal is worthy enough. Another laugh rattles from within the pillar. MANTEEKAN: So they are, my child, so they are! The stage goes dark, nothing but a final laugh echoing in the silence. Credits and After Notes ------------------------ [All cast members enter the stage to take a bow, before the curtain closes on them, then rises on one final scene] Scenery: A lavishly decorated room with a certain skull and corpse motif, and the Magnagoran city skyline visible outside one of the windows. A large banner reading, "WELCOME MANTEEKAN" hangs on one wall. New Characters: Fain, of the Red Masque, a radiant immortal Morgfyre, the Legion, a radiant immortal Raezon, the Forbidden, a radiant immortal -------------------------------- The curtain rises again. FAIN, MORGFYRE, and RAEZON all sit gathered around a table. FAIN, huffing an annoyed sigh: If He's not coming, We might as well eat the ca- FAIN glares at MORGFYRE. MORGFYRE pauses with a single forkful of cake halfway to His mouth, a crumb-covered but otherwise empty platter before Him. Without taking His eyes off FAIN, MORGFYRE raises the fork to His mouth and devours the last bite. The curtain drops down again. FIN