Table of Contents 1...Title Page 2...Quotation 3...Table of Contents 4...Author's Note 5...A Study of Celestian Structure 6...His Foundations in New Celest 7...A Comparative of the Sculptor of Waves & Architect Cited Works & Supplemental Resources 8...Interview of Former Celestian Citizen Yarith 9...Interview of Celestian Citizen Bleuu 10..Interview of Celestial Citizen Malikai 11..Cited Works Author's Note To Whom Such May Concern: This trio of treatises was composed as a constructive analysis and reflection of the inter-relationship of the tenets of the Harmonious Collective and the Holy Empire of New Celest. Subjects of the treatises correspond with the theologic teachings of the Lord Architect and Lady Carakhan as well as the moral, social, political and secular (or lack thereof) variables. The interaction between these two organisations, in the author's mode and attempt to create similarities that can be conceptualised to harness the potential of the beauty and Design already present within the structure of Celest for the betterment of the Lord Architect and His Order. These studies are a continuation of the author's previous publication concerning the Lower Castes of the Collective of Hallifax, and while there is initially little connections to be found within the castes and that of New Celest, one can appreciate the sense of togetherness in similarities of subject matter present here in these selected works. Interviews have been used as supplemental material, transcribed by the author in short-hand. A Study of Celestian Structure The Empire of Remembrance, the City of Light, the Holy Empire of New Celest - A secular utopia upon the sea and the depths around it; it is known that as clear as their waters are, that their sole intent is to protect the Basin and remove Taint. The birth of this organisation is heavily founded upon the creation of the Taint and the sacrifice of Princess Marilynth, through these actions the structure and design of New Celest springs forth as a tireless altar to sharded morality through its singular faith of the Light. Through this prior knowledge it is the intent of this treatise to establish a picture of the inner structure of New Celest, how their faith interacts with their laws, who are appointed their leaders, how they uphold their ideals and how their history has created their atmosphere in the Empire’s foundations. New Celest is founded upon the historical markings of sacrifice, through this its structure is steeped in secularism toward the force of Light. As explained by many of its citizens, the Light is the overwhelming energy of goodness, the plethora of the emotional heart seeking to right the world. It is a force within mortal shards that combines with the Divine; to achieve enlightenment of the self. To be, in essence, the purest form of what is one’s self. The Light bears many faces to its people, through the Supernals, the Elders that personify the centre tenets of its nature and its shadowed past. The foundation is shaky at best, in the face of all logic pressed against that of secularism - Faith. Light cannot be touched by the hubris of man, it is infallible according to its resurrected people. But it was not faith that drove the fall of Old Celest, and thus a miasma of displeasure within its design - Unique for others, and blind by others. Light was once placed within the hands of those who hunger in ambition beyond the reach of mortality. This corruption grew to be a mechanical, living and breathing force, that now those of the Light feel responsible for, and thus, their past is apart of them and how they wish to live. That is where logic arrives in the foundation of New Celest, the opposition of that which was created accidentally, created them. Through the Light, and its evolution, opposition and victory of renewal through the Empire of New Celest its laws and structure finds harmony. The laws of this organisation are founded within the reflections of the Supernals, where the concepts of their view of mortality spring forth. The Supernals are beings of Light, representing love, wisdom, justice, enlightenment and righteousness which are both a mixture of philosophies and emotions that form a chaotic harmony among a casteless society. These creatures are without corruption, for they can only judge upon what they know - thus leaving many things to sharded interpretation. While they are constitutionally based, it is through the Supernals that the laws are categorised into sections depending upon their philosophy, requirements and adequate protection of both Empire and protectorate villages. The building blocks of law through morality is common for most organisations, but what makes the Empire unique is that there is opportunity for growth due to the vague nature of the Supernals depictions and interpretations in secular views of Light. The Supernals do have the possibility to contradict the laws in which they are invoked, and thus can be questioned by mortal cases as to if add or subtract from their situational correctness. While all law can indeed be questioned, as well as interpretations of faith in this case, there is a chance that the Light can change. It is a shifting design, built upon pylons that move with the waves - yet it is not solidly founded in a logical order. The goal of a Celestian, and the Empire itself is to spread their faith. Those who uphold their values of those virtues that the Supernals represent are appointed to positions of power. An ideal Celestian is to represent and impress the public of the Empire, through deed and action. However, there is no analysis or evaluation that makes those within the organisation more perfect or more faithful than another. This is a society of equality, and the constitutional monarchy is somewhat lost in translation in comparison to the faith and tenets regarded by the Supernals. Thus it is more efficient to state that their Empire is run through republic and democratic means where a person of power is selected through citizenry support through the impression they have made upon the public. - His Foundations in New Celest After a thorough analysis of the structural integrity of the Holy Empire of New Celest, it is a scholar’s inclination that one may muse upon the possibility of how the Lord Architect interacts and shares commonality in His teachings. What might His teachings do to improve the chaotic goodness of the secular Empire? What can that of New Celest provide for the benefit of the Collective? All of these questions come to the crux of a thesis, that begins with the precepts of the Lord Himself. Order. The questionable, and interpretive source of order. In this case, sequential matter, a placement of one block upon another, the building of a solid form capable to stand. What has its place, shall have its place in the design of all things, or else all shall not be strong. The Architect, He is named, and it is a fitting epithet. And as such, this is His first Foundation for success. New Celest was built upon an illogical set of events, events that did not spring from order - It was not an easy birth, a tragic fate to behold the mortals in their watery graves and the sunken ships of a glorious, but corrupt past. The Light grants the possibility of both chaos and order as the Collective knows it, the interpretation of what is within and what is the place of a mortal in an organisation. The Light, in this way, is organic - and its order does not come from its people who hold a sense of equality. And some would say, that equality is a fanciful word for chaos - But it is not wrong. This order comes from their law and the Supernals, of which their faith is based. A faith based order is seldom viewed as perfect, for faith is mortal made. The order of their law has made both Divine and shard combined together, just as in its history the first Vernal Goddess, Marlinyth absorbed the power of the first Pool. Much like the laws of the Collective Empire of Hallifax, founded upon the Higher Emotions, these laws of Celest are based upon what mortals know, and what they seek to grasp that is truth through beings that are viewed as perfect but not complete. And while they seek to grasp truth through faith, it is through the Collective that we grasp truth through knowledge. There is nothing negative about their journey of faith, merely that it is a unique design that could be improved upon through further implementation of what order represents to the Collective. What can be learned from New Celest is that order itself, when imposed too much or too little - For example, the City of Freedom can and has more possibility of a destructive force due to a lack of order and law. The One Law, as they define it does not take into account the ramifications of its own premise, and therefore shows a chaotic pattern associated with too much freedom, and too little interaction with order, structure and law. There must be a balance of what order represents, and order, much like faith can represent many things to a great deal of like-minded individuals. The Empire of Remembrance will always be so, and is founded upon the order that all things are equal before a judgment that knows only that loss is too great a price for power. Law. There is no order without law. And no law without order. Law is the marking of order, it is how order is made. It is the plan before the execution, the thought behind the deed. It is the weight of judgement upon that which is already disordered and it is the impartial keeper of order and its guide to maintaining it. This, is the second of the Lord Architect’s Foundation. Those who make law are those who wish to see that order and harmony are maintained - not in favour of opposing ideas and thoughts, but for the better of the situation, the organisation and reaching larger, the First World. Celestian laws are designated through the interpretation of the Supernals as mentioned before, each of the Five sectioned according to their tenets. In basic terms their constitution consists of Raziela, Shakiniel and Methrenton functioning for protection of Empire and protectorates, the Seas and any other land of interest. Knowledge, justice and balance of more technical laws regarding judgement upon citizenry around the grasp of Japhiel and Elohora. The attachment of emotions and the teachings in some ways appeal to the citizenry due to their fondness of emotions and some irrationality which cannot be faulted. It is likely that the design of their law could be improved, and through some of Raziela’s teachings there is an opportunity for interpretation of the law as more of a guideline that can easily withhold punishment from an justly accused offender. Punishment, however, and the breaking of aforementioned laws and constitution is seldom - A curious instance of which there does not seem to have little research regarding sharded crimes. If any improvements could be made, or implemented from the Lord’s teachings of Law is that the structure of the Celestian is faith based, and should be non-secular. Law based in the emotions and founding of faith are questionable, and the structure itself can be compromised by zealotry. Structure and Harmony are the creators of Unity. Structure is both order and law, and harmony is what makes the design of something, and of the First World move and progress as a cohesive unit. While Structure may not be as prevalent as other organisations of the First World, it is apparent through the understanding and tenets of Celestian faith create a sense of harmony within the structure, law and order of the Empire’s inner and outer workings. Much like the Collective’s drive to seek Higher Emotions, their own inner purpose is to enlighten themselves through faith individually, rather than in more visible cohesive unit. Through their faith, there is an improvement or constant desire to bestow kindness which can create emotional bonds that make more ties and a sense of closeness - a brotherhood or cadre, if one can imagine - which speaks for the sacrifice of their predecessors. - A Comparative of the Sculptor of Waves & the Architect A sculptor and an architect, the dual sides of high arts, yet on the same coin. Born of different creches, arranged in dissimilar Circles yet there remains the similarity an appeal of artistry. While little is known about the Lady Carakhan, one can reflect upon the organisation which She has chosen as Her home and the symbols of Her precepts now lost to the ages when times were simpler and the waves revealed more. It is through the scope of mortal view that this analysis shall be carved, to arrange a broad comparison between the Elders that create in the First World together and apart. From what we know of Carakhan, and what remains in the tattered scrolls of time was Her great adoration of the seas, and the tending of it. She created each turn of wave upon them, their sands, their reefs and each little starfish and seahorse. The Vernal Wars prayed heavily upon the Goddess, as the seas were turned into a battleground for the Soulless and the loss of Her sister Amberle, that devastated Her. Even in the present the Lady Carakhan remains elusive, after Her flight to Aquagoria and the retrieval of Her pearl from the Lady Drocilla around the years of 382 CE. Like the waves and the seas which she shaped, the Goddess appears to share the meditative traits of the Lord Architect - and the understanding of creation within the First World. The commonality they ultimately share is found within the willingness to shape the world around them, to perfect the spirit through this building of the world. This can be seen quite clearly, if one glances within the histories and the memories of the Lord in His transcriptions. To mortal eyes, the ocean is not viewed as an extension of the world to some, but in fact a whole other world. It may suffice to say that Lady Carakhan had Her own Design in mind, the Design which is based upon the Foundations of the Lord’s own. Beneath the depths of the ocean lie fantastic wonders that reach just as the spires do to the heavens - and even then, the Lady Carakhan has Her own spire located in the Inner Sea. Symbolically, the Lord Zvoltz shares concept of the storm with that which Lady Carakhan created. The ocean shall rise to meet a storm, and shape its waves to it, as will the waters reflect the dark clouds, and the violent passion of the scene. There is an aura of transformation that creates the storms in both mediums of sky and water - and can be found within nature. Passion seems to be a pivotal trait that aligns them. While there can be more restraint within a storm, as sometimes one can gather slowly, or all at once - It does not rule out the veins of passion found within the creation of the one of the oldest Elders in the First World. The ocean is similarly active and thus reflects the personalities of the Elders that share this art together. The angelfish, another symbol of the Sculptor, is viewed in some tales and folklore as an aware guardian that holds the emotions of others to heart and has care with them. This is a certain type of wisdom founded upon change as a lynch-pin for success. And therein lies the greatest difference between the two Elders in essence - The Lord Zvoltz does not have the privilege or desire to do this through a random foundation as the oceans have been created. All that He created was through His Foundations, His experiences throughout the First World have essentially shaped Him in a different way - The Law of all things is a necessity in proceeding through the steps of Creation. Law, emotional change and spiritual transformation unfortunately do not mix for with emotion comes the possibility of bias. And as a mediator, the Architect cannot use those building blocks to create a society that is stable. Conclusively, the difference is, that these two Elders have different tools that make them who they are as well as their duties. Despite their commonalities, the differences are there for a reason and as such they should both be treated with respect. - Cited Works & Supplemental Resources The Parable of the Gardner, by Drae Dynamic Order: Lord Zvoltz and Aeromantic Engineering, by Saleo A Treatise on the Light by Raflein The Luminous Constitution of New Celest and Her Guilds, by the Star Council of New Celest The Star and the Crown: Politics in Celest by Kaalak Four Poems of Celest by Arian "Interview of Celestian Citizen Yarith," performed by Ilian 12th of Dvarsh, 434 CE "Interview of Celestian Citizen Bleuu," performed by Ilian 13th of Dvarsh, 434 CE “Interview of Celestian Citizen Maliki,” performed by Ilian 24th of Kiani, 445 CE - I: What would you say, beyond what is said of New Celestian propaganda is the goal of your Empire? Yarith: That's pretty simple. It's to spread the ideals and virtues of the Light. I: And what are the ideals of the Empire exactly which are to be spread in this goal? Yarith: A lecture on the Light would take at least two days to complete. I: I would be pleased to hear a very condensed version, for the sake of your time. Yarith: Quite simply: The Supernals of Celestia together represent a general picture of the Light through Their forms. While 'Light' and 'The Light' is personal to each person, it can be summed overall as the perfect moral compass towards true good. I: And this belief of morality is expressed through each action and reaction of the Empire's structure? Yarith: While the souls of adventurers are indestructible, as creatures we are imperfect and happen to make brash decisions no matter what school of thought you are taught to and believe in. All laws within the City of New Celest are rooted in the teachings of the Supernals. Yarith: Whether or not they are acted upon properly is the fault of the person at the time. Yarith: The Light itself judges those who walk within it. As far as mortal judgement goes, that is what the Petala is for. In times where the Light must answer for and to those within it, Lord Japhiel will often pass judgement on the affairs of mortals. Yarith: And, if required, Lady Elohora has also spoken in the past. I: What construct of the Light would hold these souls accountable, would that be relating to the history of the first Empire? I: I see. So the basis of the foundation of Celest is based upon moral perfection of the entities of the Supernals. Would you say, in your personal opinion that the structure of the Empire is based upon how well an indvidiual follows these constructs and opinions of perfect moral ideals? Yarith: I’d have to say so, yes. The teachings of the Supernals are perfect for the single reason that They are not 'complete' beings. They are half-formed and, as such, They can only pass judgement based on what They know. For example, Lady Raziela simply cannot hate, abhor or dislike anyone. She, in no way, can be corrupted. She will weep for demons slain and anyone who has passed, regardless of how cruel. To serve the Light is to serve each of the Supernals and Their teachings. While each are perfect and complete, they must be tempered like humours within the body. Yarith: Which balance of which vitures is correct is entirely up to the person in question and which they decide, at the time, is righteous. Yarith: It is hard to answer your question for that reason. I: In a technical sense, would the popularity of a certain mix of morals within an individual elevate them to be placed in positions of power or service? Yarith: You cannot measure how much of which virture of the Light you put faith into. The Light is different for each who walks within it, and for each person there is another Light before them. Recognizing your Light and following it is the only correct path. It is not… While you can change how benevolent you are at a point in time, that will not impact your ability to serve in a role or duty. It is our deeds, not our individual faiths, which prepare us for the challenges we face in life. Yarith: I suppose it might, if you could at all survey or evaluate them. That would be a personal conditioning thing though, and not a practical analysis of the person's abilities. I: But you have said that the goal itself is to spread the faith of Light, the group of the Faith is greater than the individual, and those deeds do effect the outcome. I: By selecting someone by this judge of character, you are ultimately allowing them to represent the greater faith of the Empire. Yarith: You're treating 'spreading faith' as if it is only done one way. I: On the contrary, I am merely wondering about the structure of each member of Celest. I am sure that faith is spread in a variety of ways. Yarith: Perhaps I should rephrase. The City exists to serve the Light. There are several schools of thought as to how one serves the Light. For example, the Tahtetso do not believe the Light can be spread and that it must be sought. I: And these schools denote quality or importance in Empiric structure? Or all of these schools are thought to be equal in importance? Yarith: All schools are of equal importance. The Light cannot be defined to one description. I: Fascinating. I: How does one know their role within this society, are all equals regardless of rank or status? Yarith: Once again, the Light is individual to each person. That which you enjoy, that which you have an aptitude for, will make up the niche in society you will fill most appropriately. Yarith: All are equal before the Light. - I: Excellent, I was wondering what you could tell me of the goals of New Celest? How were they formed, and what is their purpose mean to you? Bleuu: Well, Celest's two main goals since the fall of Old Celest are eliminating the taint, and spreading the Light to all the Basin. I: I see, and is this based on the past history with the taint and its creation?" Bleu: And while I believe the former is a little primitive in ways, the latter is a concept I thrive to achieve." Bleuu: Celest recognizes its mistake in allowing what happened, to happen. Bleuu: So it's also a feeling of responsibility I suppose. I: I see, this is a very interesting perspective. Might I ask why you believe that the spread of the Light is a good goal to achieve? Is this out of the faith of goodness, perhaps? Bleuu: I believe that the Light is all goodness that ever was, or ever will be, exemplified by five things; mercy, hope, love, wisdom, and balance. These are things that everyone needs. Sometimes you get more of a response with a kind word then you will from anything else. I: These moral concepts of goodness, are the synonymous with Light? Or is Light an energy of goodness, is it capable of great feats?" Bleuu: It is capable of great feats through those who choose to do so. - Citizen Maliki, 24th of Kiani, 445 I: What, in your belief makes the New Empire of Celest more improved than the first? Malikai: Our new empire is built on a foundation of knowledge that the seeking of power for the sake of it is inherently an evil pursuit, one which may or may not be doomed to failure but which will corrupt in any case. Malikai: As you know, the goal of Cosmic Hope was to secure a new source of limitless energy. The project, obviously, was a failure, and one must learn from failure. I: What is the Celestian view of evil and corruption? What is the method by which you define it?" Malikai: We have a pretty narrow view, really. A concept of good can be based in Love, discipline, self sacrifice for the greater good. Evil, in our view, is the antithesis - hatred, chaos, selfishness, the pursuit of power for the sake of destruction and death. Malikai: We believe the corruptive force of the Taint to be the most evil thing in existence, because it can take what is of the Light and corrupt it to do evil. I: In essence, why do you believe that water was chosen for the medium of Celest? How does this connect to your understanding of the Basin? Malikai: As you know, the first people of Celest are Merian, and the merian people feel a great affinity for water. Later, water began to appeal to those who were not Merian as a force that cleanses, washes away the Evil and rejuvenates the spirit. I: Do you perhaps know of the tenets of Lady Carakhan? Malikai: I am afraid that her tenets I do not know, but I do know that she sculpted and brought into existence everything that is of the Sea. Even the tainted creatures in the Sea of despair, though they did not start out tainted, obviously. Malikai: It seems that she went to sleep before being able to create a large Order, and only one or two souls remain in her organization, and I do not know who they are. I: What would be the most prominent of Her creations, by your memory? Malikai: By prominence, do you mean the most visible or the most important? Well, in this case I suppose it would be both...the oceans and seas. They have nurtured many lives with fish, and they support a whole other world within the depths. Maliki: It is said that she coloured all the oceans and the sands along the coasts, she created all undersea life and painted them as well. I: Is there anything you would care to add concerning the political structure of Celest, or why leaders are chosen, and how within your city? What qualities do your people uphold? Malikai: The highest quality one of Celest can hold...according to the Tahtetso, my guild, there are three. Those being humility, discipline, and sacrifice. One who believes themself to be of the Light must uphold these virtues in all things. Malikai: On our political structure, it is perhaps much the same as your own. People of virtue garner support among the citizenry, and then make their challenge, which is resolved democratically. The council is composed of the leaders of each guild, and they debate proposals which are brought to their attention.