SUMMER SONG Yesterday, I dreamt of summer again: Of her short, delicious nights, Listening to the crickets' song when Sleeping 'neath starry lights. I dreamt of shadows, long as days, Stretching from the trees, Dancing to the sunlight's rays While caught upon the breeze. I dreamt of peaches and of plums, Glittering there like gems, While in the distance, beating drums Rattle at their stems. A spider creeps along my arm And tickles its fine hairs, Screaming silent, shrill alarms As it with eight eyes stares. I dreamt of cherries and of grapes, Both lovely summer treats. Between my teeth, their juice escapes While sweat drips down my cheeks; While sweat drips down my cheeks, Black bird wings spread above; A feather sheds as, through his beak, He caws in mock of love. I dreamt of large cicadas clicking Their noontime lullaby, The lazy afternoon time ticking Into an evening sigh. I stare into the spider's eyes And nigh forget my breath; Her fangs, hungry, twitch and rise Whilst I envision death. An ancient tree that's long since died Creaks and shivers with foreboding, And in its branches, side by side, Perch seven black birds crowing. Yesterday, I dreamt of summer again, Of all her music sweet-- But all these dreams I've had have been Chimerical deceit.